Trail work - Santiago Oaks - Dec 5th

Around 30 people show up. Split into 3 groups to work on 3 different trails.

I didn't take nearly as many pics as I'd planned on taking.

Here's a shot of the top of Peralta

2015-12-05 10.41.00.jpg

lots of brushing, scraping dirt, shoveling dirt, moving dirt around generally.

Free pizza for lunch

Then afterwards a nice ride round Oaks with @Sasquatch9billion with a virtually empty park on a beautiful day

I did manage to take a pic of my bike though -

2015-12-05 12.35.30.jpg

Great day!
Although the dirt was bone dry and hard as a rock, we were able to shape some lines on Peralta, Hawk, and well as clean out some drainages so that when/if it rains, the water won't damage what's there, and provides a resource so we can build up some camber and shape some sections of the trail so we can roll them with some flow, and keep single-track single.

Lots of work done, lots of great help out there. And I'm continuing to learn new things every time I go out and work on the trails. Everyone had great input.

Thanks for the help out there Andy!
The size of that seat bag though... nice work out there.

Around 30 people show up. Split into 3 groups to work on 3 different trails.

I didn't take nearly as many pics as I'd planned on taking.

Here's a shot of the top of Peralta

View attachment 11134

lots of brushing, scraping dirt, shoveling dirt, moving dirt around generally.

Free pizza for lunch

Then afterwards a nice ride round Oaks with @Sasquatch9billion with a virtually empty park on a beautiful day

I did manage to take a pic of my bike though -

View attachment 11136

Great day!
Next trail work day is up.
Saturday, January 9th
Looks like we'll have some moist soil to work with ahead of it. That should allow for some shaping to allow for the water to flow off of the trails and use those opportunities.

The organizers are meeting with OC Parks to go over areas of concern and so that the work we do is acceptable...that way we don't have things show up that end up being taken out later. looks good to dry things out enough to get access and still keep the dirt moist enough to get some awesome work done!