Trabuco Trail Rehabilitaion Continuation.....


A small group of us headed out to continue the rehabilitation of Trabuco Trail.

We drove in at Long Canyon and started at the top of Trabuco and worked down. We continued just past where we stopped last time(the video begins at that point).

We made pretty good time at the start. Felt like we were gaining ground.

We were not allowed to use chainsaws......don't get me started with that bullsh*t and the ranger was supposed to join us....but he flaked.

We then hit a wall....a literal wall of downed trees. With folding hand saws, we would spend the next 2hrs to gain about 50' of trail. We still didn't get through to the other side. We got close, but it will have to wait til next time. You can see it here......


We sorta scored on the weather....unfortunately the overcast that the rest of OC was enjoying, we were in bright sunshine. It never got brutally hot, but it was toasty.

Thanks to @kingaucho for coming out and putting some time in. Hope your head is ok.

I've said it before, and I will keep saying it. Small groups like this are not making much of a dent. We need more bodies out on these trail days. Giving up 1 day of riding to put in some trail time isn't going to kill you.
Electric chainsaws not allowed either?

We are required to submit a report after our trailwork. We include pics with that report. Our last trail day here some pics where included showing us using chainsaws to clear the deadfall.

Forestry Service saw the pics and this is how the conversation went:

FS: You aren't authorized to use chainsaws.
WS: Why not?
FS: You haven't taken our chainsaw safety/training class
WS: No problem, when can we schedule and take that class
FS: We don't offer a chainsaw safety class
WS: :facepalm:
We are required to submit a report after our trailwork. We include pics with that report. Our last trail day here some pics where included showing us using chainsaws to clear the deadfall.

Forestry Service saw the pics and this is how the conversation went:

FS: You aren't authorized to use chainsaws.
WS: Why not?
FS: You haven't taken our chainsaw safety/training class
WS: No problem, when can we schedule and take that class
FS: We don't offer a chainsaw safety class
WS: :facepalm:

That's funny.......
Maybe ask @Mikie Robin McGuire , IIRC they have posted using chainsaws on Forest service land.
Lowelifes were able to organize the chainsaw cert up in Sequoia NF. I think they may have had a later class in ANF as well. Cleveland NF doesn't normally have enough deadfall to justify the course I guess. Plan b is use the electric, and don't include pics of it. : )
Yes, but the are US Forestry workers.

I think J and his party need to find a source for getting certified elsewhere since the FS isn't helping their cause in this case. Or possibly locate a certified sawer.

Forestry Service said they would send out a sawyer to cut away any dead fall that we needed removed. If we relied on that, every 50' we would have to stop working and wait who knows how long before they would send someone out. It's just not a realistic way of doing trailwork or making progress.
Forestry Service said they would send out a sawyer to cut away any dead fall that we needed removed. If we relied on that, every 50' we would have to stop working and wait who knows how long before they would send someone out. It's just not a realistic way of doing trailwork or making progress.
I totally agree. Gotta find someone elsewhere who is certified.
I've said it before, and I will keep saying it. Small groups like this are not making much of a dent. We need more bodies out on these trail days. Giving up 1 day of riding to put in some trail time isn't going to kill you.
I was all good to join until it got shifted by a week :(.