Tobias Cr, Trail - Kernville


I was thinking of going up to the Kern next weekend on the 16th to help out the Stewards (SOS) with clearing the lower section up from McNally's.

Tobias is a 5000' descent off of the Greenhorns that is well worth the investment of a day to insure another future shuttle bomb in the Kern:

Now that the SOS has formally adopted this trail it is only a matter of time before it is pushed through to the top and this guy can get the help he needs to see this actually happen:

Anyone interested?
Apparently a local guy has been working this alone in stealth mode for some time (sound familiar?!) and is quite far along. Sounds like it might be ready to ride maybe next season, but he says this season is done already for this trail I guess because of snow and ice at the top. We would be working it from the bottom. There are hikers, mtb'ers, motos, equestrians involved.
I wished that I had the time to go up to help out on this. I know Jeff's been mentioning about this for some time.