Tilted Mesa in Kanab...


iMTB Rockstah
For those that might be interested…just returned from a trip to the Brian Head area and we stopped over in Kanab on the way home to ride the new Tilted Mesa trail system. I believe it currently has 13 miles of trails with 17 miles total approved. There are more signed trails than what you see on Trailforks.
The riding is most similar to the mesa riding in Hurricane, Utah or maybe some of the stuff in Ely, NV.
Overall, it’s very designed but on the less challenging side…contrary to what we read or is indicated by the signage. There are some features (a couple man made and the rest are natural) that are more challenging but OVERALL, this is an easy blue experience…including the overrated black trails. I rode two of the “double red” trails and while short, I’d say they were black in nature. It’s not a destination spot but 100% worthy of your time if you’re driving thru to elsewhere in UT or CO. Here is some further info….https://utahmountainbiking.com/trails/tilted-mesa/

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