The 12 greatest MTB movies...

Not mountain biking but BMX Bandits is amazing

I haven't looked at the list, but my favorites two are:

Seasons - Hands down the best MtB movie because of the actual structure of the film. The foreshadowing, the stories, then the blending at the end. Music was great too. When I see it now, the handlebars look so narrow!

Tipping Point - Great riding, great tunes, nice profiles on WC riders and almost NO Narration by Clay Porter. That helps. Watch a profile on Aaron Gwin on Yeti, Sam Blenkinsop's first - and only - WC win, Matti Lehikoinen's great riding, but struggle with injuries,

Then the rest: Roam, 3-Minute Gaps, Strength In Numbers, Follow Me, The Collective, Where the Trail Ends (and a few others whose names escape me)

I haven't seen Not Bad or unReal

I also love every video by IFHT/NSMB's Matt Dennison - especially "I'm Faster Than You" "I Only Ride Park" and "How to Be a Mt. Biker."
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Ride the Divide provides a look into the mechanics of the race, and is good fodder for any aspiring bikepackers.

Seems like these kinds of films try to inject a drama element, which usually feels awkward like it does in this film. Still well worth a watch.
Endless Summer is THE BEST!!!!!!!!
OK, I guess the gloves are off now, and we have gone beyond the thread title.

Best movie EVER = Point Break. How can you deny Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey with a guest appearance by Anthony Kiedes?

"I caught my first tube today." Johnny Utah

And the mountain bike applicable quote:
"Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true." Bodhi

In other words - hesitation breeds devastation.
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OK, you guys posting about On Any Sunday are responsible for me wasting a bunch of time today. Well, I did enjoy myself while wasting 1:28:40. I hadn't seen it since I went to see it in the theater with my best friend Doug. I have always remembered Malcolm Smith because of his exploits featured in the movie. So after watching today I had to do a little research on the movie, Malcolm Smith, and the other riders. There went another hour or two.
The flat track rider they followed was Mert Lawwill. I'm thinking "man that name sounds familiar". Sure enough, he was involved in building early mountain bikes and suspension design.
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OK, I guess the gloves are off now, and we have gone beyond the thread title.

Best movie EVER = Point Break. How can you deny Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey with a guest appearance by Anthony Kiedes?

"I caught my first tube today." Johnny Utah

And the mountain bike applicable quote:
"Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true." Bodhi

In other words - hesitation breeds devastation.
Haha, sorry for the derail Herz...but it’s fun and it’s what we do here :thumbsup::p
There used to be clips from an old Baywatch episode where Nicole Eggert wanted to go mountain biking.
"I know what I need and I know what I want and I want to go Kamikaze biking."

I never watched the BW, but that’s some quality script writing.