Strawberry Peak Trail Work WEDNESDAY 2/17

Erik H

The great bike shop Golden Saddle Cyclery is sponsoring a weekday trail work day on Strawberry Peak in February. Their shop is closed Wednesdays and they love Strawberry and have wanted to host a mid week trail work day for some time now. GSC and MWBA will be working on Strawberry Peak Wednesday Feb 17. Please come join us if you can! Exact meeting place details TBD.

Facebook Event Page will be updated with details as the day nears.

@rossage @Luis either of you game for this work day? I believe most of the work will be brush clearance on the back side. Unfortunately, its looking like I won't be able to make it now due to work blowing up that week. Matt Lay will be leading the day but I'm hoping to ensure a couple of experienced hands to be with him since power tools and BOB trailers will likely be involved.