Strawberry Peak trail maintenance


iMTB Hooligan
From Hans at OTB:

As you are most likely aware these trails were damaged as a result of the station fire and have been closed ever since. CORBA, the Los Angeles Conservation Corps (LACC), and the Sierra Club have been working on repairs over the last couple of years and have come a long way however, there is still much work to do!

The CORBA Trail Crew has a work day schedule for 2/16 and the Sierra Club on 2/8. Information is on the calendar and or the CORBA Meetup site. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Please sign up on the Meetup site so CORBA can get a head count.

My company Bellfree Contractors will be up there for the next couple of weeks doing some of the major repairs. If anyone wants to come up during the week to volunteer to do some repairs I can point you the right direction.
Mikie said:
Does it have to be during the week? I have a ball and chain called a J.O.B. :(
During the week is with Hans and his company . The actual trail work days are 2/8 and 2/16.
Thanks for the cross post Ed. I was just going to do this now!
I cant make the weekend dates but I hope to help out Hans et al during the week sometime. ...

Strawberry peak is/was a San Gabriel crown jewel of a trail system. It has been unusable since the Station fire and it would be awesome to restore it to its former glory. Many years of blood, sweat, and tears have been shed out there. Let's all get out there and Pulaski our way to singletrack nirvana! :D