Shudder Knocks it outa dah Park!


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
:o Wow!
Great article over on Singletrack Minds by shudder on Trail Pix!
Dood, your a natural!
I bow to your mad photo AND writing skills..... 8-)
Can't wait for Article #2!!!
shudder is the man. Don't let his shaved head, tough guy look fool you. There's a brain and talent inside!
I blame it in Mikie: he asked me. What was I gonna do, say no?!

Glad you like the stuff. I'll do more. It's a good release for me since I am currently off the bike for so long. Keeps me involved in the sport a little bit.

I just realized I look like Russell Brown! Holy crap.

- shud
shudder said:
I blame it in Mikie: he asked me. What was I gonna do, say no?!

Glad you like the stuff. I'll do more. It's a good release for me since I am currently off the bike for so long. Keeps me involved in the sport a little bit.

I just realized I look like Russell Brown! Holy crap.

- shud

Well . . . . maybe Hole-E crap...
Nice! Part two installment. It took me a minute to feegure out the comic strip, then I realized it was a high school kid (you,I presume) dreamin' about his high school honey on a school nite. shudder, shudder, shudder... ;)
Yep. Part Deux in da bag! Whoop!! Hope you folks like it. I'm already several paragraphs and pictures in on the third installment, which is a treatise on exposure technique while out on the trails.

- shud

P.S. Glad you liked the comic, eventually!
Can I get a link?

Apparently my googling skills are even more deficient than my photo skills. I need to borrow some technical skills so my lack of compositional skill won't be so obvious.

Edit: Just found it. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while :D