Seen while riding...


iMTB Hooligan
Always something that stays with you, if for just a day or three. Something you'd never have seen if not for prying yourself into the outdoors. Little things can loom large...

Yesterday while railing across the Tahoe Rim's rough terrain, I spied a track in the trail that looked to be from a skinny tire. Nah, who would do that?

A person who doesn't miss a great opportunity to immerse in the outdoors. Despite proper tools, local customs or even what is reasonable. The bike might help, it might not. Better bring the trusty steed just in case! A new trail, maybe an area, he'll perhaps never see again. One good morning! and enjoy your day! is plenty to share. Talking bikes would be ludicrous if not idiotic. The look on that man's face, his accent-inflected reply of joy.

Not fifteen minutes earlier I mused how, on the most perfect of perfect days, in an accessible, idyllic world-class setting, I was alone on the trail. Thank you, sir, for reminding me why we were there. :notworthy::)
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A 1-hour old time capsule. :)