Seeking permission from wife to ride an hour from Mother-in-Law's house


iMTB Hooligan
Ride Name: Seeking permission from wife to ride an hour from Mother-in-Law's house
When: 9/24/16
Time: Afternoon
Where: Arroyo Trabuco
Ride Description or Details:
This will be at the discretion of my lovely, wonderful wife and therefore highly spontaneous. Not longer than one hour somewhere between Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club and O'Neil Regional Park.
~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location: Mother-in-Law's house in Mission Viejo
Skill Level: Intermediate
Ride Pace: Easy with Moments of Effort
Type of Ride: Out and Back
Rider Limit: 9,588
Anticipated Mileage: 10
Elevation Gain: 500
Ride Duration: One hour
Previous Ride Reports: Search by keyword "arroyo Trabuco"
Possible Bail-Outs: Highly unnecessary
Facilities: Minimal. I would have to strip down in her garage before entering the house.
Food/water suggestions: Drink water. Eat food.
Option to Upload:
I thought your knee was jacked-up?
Then again, I was riding (easy) road about 10 days after my arthroscope....
I had the stitches removed yesterday, and doc cleared me for light riding. No bone infection, thank the good Lord!

My doc's office faces Mt. Wilson, and he said to stay away from there for a while longer but that I can putt-putt around relatively flat areas as tolerable.

Within those parameters I am trying to convince my wife to let me take a few risks by riding mostly flat trail. Yesterday afternoon I rode the commuter around town, and knee felt fine. Heart rate has been below 60bpm for three weeks, and I WANNA RIDE MY BIKE NOW SO BACK OFF!
Not there yet but had fun. 8 miles.