Rampart, this is Squad 51...

My wife wants to go, but she's working, (she's a nurse), so unless she can swap shifts with someone... We did go to the old "museum" in Bellflower, which use to open once a month, a couple of years ago. She had a great time sat in Squad 51 operating the lights and siren...

2015-06-06 11.29.50.jpg
A couple of years back Netflix had the whole Adam-12 series on. I binge watched the first two seasons :geek:
I recognized about 90% of the exterior shoot locations since I grew up in the L.A. area where they filmed them. The exterior station shots were the old Rampart Division building on Temple St, which later became infamous for the CRASH anti-gang unit scandal. The close up neighborhood scenes were shot in the Universal Studios backlot.
We kids in the neighborhood grew up watching both Adam-12 and EMERGENCY. It would be fun to go visit the museum.
Thanks for posting the info :thumbsup: