NOT just another poison oak thread ...


Newbie with Hope!
PO sucks, we all know that. well my latest story sucks more... I got PO 3 weeks ago or so riding down el moro canyon. I was with my boys and it was just after the rain and I used a TWIG to clean my muddy cleats. I swear it did not look like a PO plant. IT was from a leafless scrub, but thats all i touched all day. We shuttled from ridge park across fenceline, down elevator (bad idea) and through the canyon. I never see PO anywhere around there.

So I throw away my gloves, wash my shoes really well since i suspect thats where the oil is, wash the bar grips 3 times, wash the bike and seat, backpack, pedals, everything.

below is a photo

So it sucks and oozes for 2 weeks, arms, wrists, stomach, leg, little on the face but not bad there. At the end I was so stoked, had not touched a bike for 2-3 weeks, so I plan another ride with the boys last Sunday starting from shady canyon. No PO in sight. I got good auto degreaser to wash the skin in the future, have rubbing alcohol also.

That night I feel it... Itchy wrist, left arm, HANDS, FEET. F*%$$. Dude, this stuff must have soaked into the bar grips and then when I rode it must have gone through the gloves into my hands.... I wore long sleeves, have no idea how its on my left arm.... It on the back of my feet/ankles... how the hell???

So now i have to throw away the other pair of gloves, throw away the bar grips, maybe get rid of my nice pair of shoes. I hate that evil weed

I am trying some new treatments that seem to be working better than the standard protocol, will keep you all updated

Doooood! That totally sucks! :(
I have never had PO, PI, or Poodle Dawg! I almost feel like I'm immune to it but live in much fear as there is tons of Poodle Dog where I ride a lot due to fires.

Heavy vibes of healing and glad your kids have not got it as well!
Take care of yourself brothah....

Oh man, been there. I sincerely hope you heal up soon! Tecnu has worked wonders for me ever since. If I even think I’ve had a brush with PO or PD I use it.

My story is funny, if it wasn’t for the agony I know you are going through. I was down at San Juan in the winter. Started out of the parking lot up the trail and couldn’t get in my right pedal, looked down hit a rut and off the side of the trail I went into the bushes on the downhill side. Yea, yea I know rookie mistake. :D Finally after clawing and cussing got back up and on the bike, looked down and thought “okay that’s not PO just a bunch of sticks”. Road up to Blue Jay and back, packed up, drove home and took a shower. No problem right? Went out to dinner with my B&SIL and went in their Jacuzzi, DO NOT do this. :shock: Luckily they didn’t get it.

Worst three weeks of my life!! Hang in there bro!
Btw as weird as it sounds scolding hot water in a shower finally killed it for me. Believe me we tried every voodoo medicine and remedy known to man. I feel for ya.
If I know I have been exposed a preventative measure that has always worked for me is diluted Simple Green or an orange cleaner. Just scrub all exposed areas while in the shower then take your normal soapy shower after that.
there is no immunity to it .once you get it, it gets easier every time . dish washing liquid works to remove the oils from it. plant leaves ,stems have oils year around. can last on clothing, seats , and what have you for up to two years. friend of mine gets it almost looking at it. good luck on healing. tecknu and other products can help.
Eeek - just looking at your photo and I'll probably get it!
3 weeks seems to be the magic number before it's gone. If I do think I've been exposed to it, I'll scrub with Technu and Dawn - arms, legs for the next couple of days.
Dries out your skin pretty badly but I take every preventative measure.
Sounds like you didn't clean all the surfaces that you touched after your first exposure to PO.....that could mean the arm rest/door panel in your car, the sheets on your bed.

Take all your bike gear that you wore that day, and wash it....2x or cold water.

Wipe down every inch of your bike with a degreaser...Simple Green, etc.

Wipe down your helmet/shoes same as your bike.

If you wear a pack, spray it down with degreaser....Simple Green, etc.....let it soak and then wash it.

Get yourself a big tub of Fast Orange(or any liquid orange mechanic's soap w/pumice). Anytime you even think you may have been exposed, shower with cold water and use the soap above....give it 1x or 2x rounds in the shower. Must use cold water, warm water will open up the pores in your skin and allow the oils to penetrate quicker. Even after the initial breakout, the above technique works and will shorten the duration.

There are products that work well, but they are expensive. I used a product called Ivy Block....but at $18 for 1/2 oz for a cleanser with pumice in it, I discovered that the liquid soap above worked just as well if not better, and you can get a gallon of it for under $10.

Treat it like Ebola.....disinfect everything.
Vinegar and salt

vinegar - man i have been using this with salt yesterday and today and I think this might be the best after exposure treatment. I know the best thing is to get the oils out but I was too late as usual. So I covered the areas with isopropyl alcohol hoping it would soak in and break up the oils, now I am covering with vinegar and salt - i really think this dries out the rash. But I will have to wait a few days to confirm. Fingers crossed... Overnight the rash on the arm did not get much worse. Hands and wrists are about the same. Time will tell and waiting on PO sucks but maybe ill get lucky
Dude. Steroids can be your friend. Get yourself to the doctor or urgent care and tell them you want a hydrocortisone injection. Tell them you want some topical creme, as well. Even if you don't use it, add it to your drug stash for the next time you need it. You've gone WAY too long and suffered FAR too much. This is the sort of thing that doesn't have to get to this point if you treat it early.
Thanks I thought about that but thought the steroids might be a bad idea since they reduce the immune response to other potential threats.
Rob S. said:
Dude. Steroids can be your friend. Get yourself to the doctor or urgent care and tell them you want a hydrocortisone injection. Tell them you want some topical creme, as well. Even if you don't use it, add it to your drug stash for the next time you need it. You've gone WAY too long and suffered FAR too much. This is the sort of thing that doesn't have to get to this point if you treat it early.
I hear you with the steroids...they should be prescribed in combination with an antibiotic for 2-3 times as long as the steroids are taken.
That oil stays around forever...roll up to the carwash after the ride and walk on through seems to be the type of overkill needed to get ride of the PO oils.
PO sucks! I have been taking Oral Ivy drops daily since the beginning of summer and no PO. Of course, I don't ride in PO often and am really careful to avoid it. I'd say my results so far may be inconclusive. I don't know for sure I've been exposed and am not willing to blatantly test it. I'm going to finish the bottle of it just to test it. Bottle lasts about a year, so the price isn't bad.

Hmm...wonder if 70% alcohol has anything to do with it? How many bottles do you drink before you ride? :D
Rob S. said:
Dude. Steroids can be your friend. Get yourself to the doctor or urgent care and tell them you want a hydrocortisone injection. Tell them you want some topical creme, as well. Even if you don't use it, add it to your drug stash for the next time you need it. You've gone WAY too long and suffered FAR too much. This is the sort of thing that doesn't have to get to this point if you treat it early.

I second this..I got it when I was young..actually didn't know what PI was and I was mowing it with my dad's lawnmower..needles to say I was in bad shape..swollen upper torso and arms with same thing. My dad rushed me to the ER..the on duty physician saw me..gave me a shot of steroids..I felt super sleepy..told me to stay's tough when your 11..that night everything was pretty much back to normal..sometimes Steroids are your friend.
surftime said:
Thanks I thought about that but thought the steroids might be a bad idea since they reduce the immune response to other potential threats.

Agreed. One benefit is that you'll be able to ride like Floyd Landis. The downside is that you'll end up with tiny squirrel-sized testicles.
Wow, that blows, surfie. Hope you get past it ASAP. I don't have anything novel to offer; I do Technu if I think I was exposed, but I always wear long sleeves and tall socks for (hopeful) prevention. A buddy brings a big bottle of hand sanitizer and swabs down at the car after riding.

The worst I've gotten PO was from dry stems of the plant with no leaves present. Pure evil, that stuff...
Dang that pic looks horrible. I've read that there's really nothing you can do at this point except let it run it's course and not recommended you go to a hospital unless it's on your face. Again so I have read. I got it bad once on my leg after a ride in the San Gabes. Was too tired to take a shower after the ride and went to sleep. Woke up late and went to work dirty. About week later my leg started to itch and swell up. Treated it with all the usual remedies but too late. Continued to swell up for like 3 weeks. My leg was more than double its regular size. Yikes! Then it all disappeared almost overnight. Lesson learned, take a shower after riding the Gabes or other PO filled trails. Healing vibes.
Awe Luke, that looks painful. Maybe stick to surfing, ohh wait, if you surf after it rains you can get awful sick!!

Life's a bitch but it's a great ride too!! Hang in there bud....
I used to get it so often as a kid that I am almost immune now. It sucked so bad. I remember the best thing was to use any ointment/ treatment that just dried the crap out of your skin. There are a bunch of different ones. Just pick the one that dries the best.
Hell, one time when I was a kid playing in the wilderness I took a dump and wiped with "leaves" which I had done many times before. This time I picked the wrong leaf. That sucked.
Grego said:
...Was too tired to take a shower after the ride and went to sleep. Woke up late and went to work dirty.....

Ewww.......Did you at least spray on a heavy dose of cologne ? Please tell me you work construction and you're not a pastry chef? :D
some funny replies, at least i dont have it on my lower member...

seriously its getting better - cooking it with Vinegar and salt is doing the trick! maybe my new remedy. But i smell like dirty feet

and yes im going surfing tomorrow!
scottay said:
Grego said:
...Was too tired to take a shower after the ride and went to sleep. Woke up late and went to work dirty.....

Ewww.......Did you at least spray on a heavy dose of cologne ? Please tell me you work construction and you're not a pastry chef? :D

I believe Grego is a dentist......
ChrisPBacon said:
scottay said:
Grego said:
...Was too tired to take a shower after the ride and went to sleep. Woke up late and went to work dirty.....

Ewww.......Did you at least spray on a heavy dose of cologne ? Please tell me you work construction and you're not a pastry chef? :D

I believe Grego is a dentist......
He's actually a "rock star". Every groopie loves swamp ass!!
dont flame me but...

Hey all, dont flame me here but seriously I think I found the magic cure. Vinegar and Salt. I have applied it a few times a day and left it on - smells GREAT :)) Now as I write this the bumps have not turned to blisters and they are slowly going away. I know I am not out of the woods but its looking good. I am pretty stoked since I have this crap on the hands and fingers - not a place I want oozing blisters....

but anyways I know a lot of you deal with PO and usually after the fact there is nothing you can do so hope this helps you out
Flame you? Not the style of IMTB. ;) Hey, I’ll stick with Tecnu works for me. Like I said tried everything known to mankind except Rossage’s sure fire vapor method. The intensely hot water finally did it for me. Ironically the hot water in the Jacuzzi made it worse to begin with. :lol: :lol:
If that works for you I’m sure everyone here is happy for you. Good luck bro and hope it continues to get better!! :clap:
Re: dont flame me but...

surftime said:
Hey all, dont flame me here but seriously I think I found the magic cure.

No flames allowed here bud! :D There are other forums you can hang out on to fill THAT need! :shifty: :lol:

It don't matter what the cure ends up being, I'm just really glad it's working. Glad you were willing to experiment...
more remedies here <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Some of these are crazy.

ridinrox said:
ChrisPBacon said:
scottay said:
Ewww.......Did you at least spray on a heavy dose of cologne ? Please tell me you work construction and you're not a pastry chef?

I believe Grego is a dentist......
He's actually a "rock star". Every groopie loves swamp ass!!
Marine biologist.