New bike park in San Diego

This place is right next to the old (still there) Amago MX track. Back in the day when the track first opened it was top notch. Well groomed, great layout with good elevation changes. We used to make the trek from deep in the OC to this track on the regular. This was WAY before Fox Raceway opened. After a few years they (Luiseno Indians) started getting a little lazy. No one at the gate to collect fees, started skipping track prep, etc. Eventually we stopped riding there cause the experience didn't outweigh the long drive. Hopefully the same doesn't happen with the bike park, don't be surprised if it does. They used to have a water park with slides too. Look what happened to that. Best of luck to you So Cal riders. IT has potential, BUT will the Injuns stay dedicated to it????? History tells me no chance.
Anyone ridden Luiseno recently? I am thinking on it for this weekend or soon. Not really interested in shuttle damage, which is the only thing holding me back. The referenced forum above is seemingly a bunch of clowns complaining about long red lights ...

I also saw on my Instagram feed that SkyPark has a new pump track which they say was designed by Kyle Strait, so I need to check that out too before it gets too cold up there. Never ridden a pump track before, but probably similar to the Cactus redesign at Whiting, right?:confused::Roflmao
When you load on the shuttle just make sure there is a bit of space between your bike and the next one so their handlebar doesn't contact your frame if the bikes sway. Leaving space also let's you stand closer to the side rail so you can hang on better. Ignore the rest of the whiny complaints and go with a good attitude and you'll have a good day of riding.
When you load on the shuttle just make sure there is a bit of space between your bike and the next one so their handlebar doesn't contact your frame if the bikes sway. Leaving space also let's you stand closer to the side rail so you can hang on better. Ignore the rest of the whiny complaints and go with a good attitude and you'll have a good day of riding.
Appreciate your attitude evdog! We can whine about alot if things.....1st works problems right!?
[QUOTE="Obsidian, post: 298061, member: 611] I also saw on my Instagram feed that SkyPark has a new pump track which they say was designed by Kyle Strait, so I need to check that out too before it gets too cold up there. Never ridden a pump track before, but probably similar to the Cactus redesign at Whiting, right?:confused::Roflmao[/QUOTE]

Yo! If you want to check out a pump track... go here... just opened within the last few months. Just make sure you pack some heat, you know just in case. It's in the hood!
Anyone ridden Luiseno recently? I am thinking on it for this weekend or soon. Not really interested in shuttle damage, which is the only thing holding me back. The referenced forum above is seemingly a bunch of clowns complaining about long red lights ...

I also saw on my Instagram feed that SkyPark has a new pump track which they say was designed by Kyle Strait, so I need to check that out too before it gets too cold up there. Never ridden a pump track before, but probably similar to the Cactus redesign at Whiting, right?:confused::Roflmao
I went recently. No photos or anything, but it is totally... acceptable. It is in the back corner away from most everything and pretty small. All pavement so it should hold together, and unlimited traction.

But it's definitely a pump track, a short wheelbase bike (dirt jumper, BMX, etc) would be ideal.