My sawyers did it!!!

Mikie Robin Mcguire

Well-Known Member
Yesterday was a milestone. .18 months ago we started to clear all the dead trees off the Vetter trail that has been closed since the station fire 2009 in our Angeles National Forest (unfortunately the tree's kept on falling and the bush kept on growing) but after 20 plus visits 150 down trees & dozens along the fireroads.Last weekends treadwork by volunteer groups & Mcg chainsaw work on saturday & having Steve with us on Sunday we almost finished the chainsaw work. Yesterday we finally finished clearing the trail entrances , chainsawed the remaining 6 down trees. .&&&&&We got to Remove!!! All the trail closure signs! !!! Yes, They Did it! Happy me, Happy Mcg & Steve & all the wonderful volunteers ..the trail is opened. . Thank you! ♡ ANF Thank you! ♡ hugs from your proud Sawyer Supervisor Me Thank you!






I'm trying to think of other words besides awesome, incredible, fantastic, encouraging, inspiring, respect, leading the charge setting the example, giving back, and the tip of the spear, but I got nothing...
As always... Wow simply Wow!
Thank you!
