Mt Hough in Quincy via Downieville


iMTB Rockstah
So here is my Downieville area trail advisory next time you’re in the area....take the time to drive over to Quincy and ride Mt Hough. It’s about 55 miles but an 80 minute drive. Yuba and Feather River run the shuttles.

The trail itself was dubbed as possibly better than Downieville by Brian Kennedy of BKXC YouTube fame. I wouldn’t go that far because it doesn’t have much actual tech or challenge but for pure FUN factor, it might be Top 5 all time that I’ve ridden. A 10 mile trail that’s 95% singletrack and 8 miles of pure buttery smooth flow. Several sections of 2-3 foot berms and tabletop type “jumps” you care to hit them in that manner. A trail for all levels just by varying your speed. For you Wrightwood fans, think of going down Boy Scout for 8 miles solid added features.

An easy summary....every trip to Downieville in the future for me will include one day over in Quincy. Easily enough time to ride, get lunch and get back to Downieville for a Classic Shuttle.
So here is my Downieville area trail advisory next time you’re in the area....take the time to drive over to Quincy and ride Mt Hough. It’s about 55 miles but an 80 minute drive. Yuba and Feather River run the shuttles.

The trail itself was dubbed as possibly better than Downieville by Brian Kennedy of BKXC YouTube fame. I wouldn’t go that far because it doesn’t have much actual tech or challenge but for pure FUN factor, it might be Top 5 all time that I’ve ridden. A 10 mile trail that’s 95% singletrack and 8 miles of pure buttery smooth flow. Several sections of 2-3 foot berms and tabletop type “jumps” you care to hit them in that manner. A trail for all levels just by varying your speed. For you Wrightwood fans, think of going down Boy Scout for 8 miles solid added features.

An easy summary....every trip to Downieville in the future for me will include one day over in Quincy. Easily enough time to ride, get lunch and get back to Downieville for a Classic Shuttle.

I may be up for this next time! Thanks!