iMTB Hooligan
Ride Name: Maple- Motorway
When: Wednesday, March 1
Time: 5:00 (Flexible a little either way)
Where: Maple Springs Trailhead
Ride Description or Details:
Ride up, ride across, ride down!
Bring lights.
~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location: I usually park at the little turnout 1/2 mile before the Maple Springs gate.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Ride Pace:
Type of Ride:
Rider Limit: X
Anticipated Mileage: 17.5
Elevation Gain: 3700
Ride Duration: 3ish hours
Previous Ride Reports:
Possible Bail-Outs: Turn around before 4 Corners at mile 7.5ish... After that, it's easier to go on.
Facilities: Porta Potty at beginning gate
Food/water suggestions: Enough for 3 hours...
Option to Upload:
When: Wednesday, March 1
Time: 5:00 (Flexible a little either way)
Where: Maple Springs Trailhead
Ride Description or Details:
Ride up, ride across, ride down!
Bring lights.
~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location: I usually park at the little turnout 1/2 mile before the Maple Springs gate.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Ride Pace:
Type of Ride:
Rider Limit: X
Anticipated Mileage: 17.5
Elevation Gain: 3700
Ride Duration: 3ish hours
Previous Ride Reports:
Possible Bail-Outs: Turn around before 4 Corners at mile 7.5ish... After that, it's easier to go on.
Facilities: Porta Potty at beginning gate
Food/water suggestions: Enough for 3 hours...
Option to Upload: