The rad kids are just too rad for my real comprehension. The stuff they do has precious little in common with the biking I do. Entertaining as watching admittedly is, I get this uneasy feeling from being an observer. Observing supplants doing. Power to the mutants fluttering around in the air like so many circus freaks, tho. May their skills motivate others to get out and do
^^^ this is exactly how I have been feeling lately. I'm pretty much bored and tired of all the super crazy Rampage jump videos. Doesn't really get me motivated to do anything. But then again, I don't hang with the full face crowd either. What get's me motivated is reading all the ride reports about places I wish I could ride. That's what I think I love the most about mountain biking, it's is the sense of adventure you get from it. That, and my occasional big air jump of like 10-12"