In the spirit of this thread, I may be pulling off of the Big Bear/Skyline ride this Saturday.
Sunday morning I woke with a vaguely familiar feeling in my lower left leg - a feeling I had 20 years ago that started with a generalized ache and became excruciating pain. In 1997, that pain was caused by a blood clot in my leg. I've been on blood-thinners ever since - with no issues.
Yesterday, that same pain appeared, so in the spirit of "don't F@ck with blood clots" I went to my local ER (Mission - South Laguna). After a full day in the ER including bloodwork, ultrasound and a CT chest scan, they saw no evidence of a new clot. Just residual damage from the old ones in my leg. So what explains the excruciating pain that shot to 11 after I tried to walk to the bathroom? And the 20-30 minutes it took to recover from that pain until my leg stopped hurting again? And the fact that I can't walk? "Dunno..." What's the treatment? "Dunno..." What tests are next? "Nothing really... but we will admit you to the hospital overnight for observation." Well isn't that helpful! The doc did inform me that I am extremely healthy, according to the numbers. So I got that going for me...
View from my LB Hospital room:
View attachment 56169
Well since the leg was beginning to feel better (so I thought) and there was no plan, and no treatment, we decided to check out rather than spend the night. Oh - and I was supposed to report back to work today.
To my dismay, I didn't spontaneously recover overnight, and as I type this, I still can't walk more than ten steps without vaulting myself into severe pain. I have activated my primary care doc and the vascular surgeon with whom I work in the Hoag system in the hopes that they are better informed and equipped to help me.
Bottom line - I am unlikely to be attending this Saturday's shindig at Big Bear.