Labor Day Weekend Rides... Where Are They???

Good times. I cleaned all but two switchbacks climbing to cocktail rock. That's a PR for me. View attachment 20337 Spandex feels so good on a sweaty and windy day. I must remain diligent, however, with my storm trooper kit.

Saw you guys out there yesterday good day for a ride, remember that Blue Guy, I was the group with the Small Woman on the rRed bike you caught us on the decent. We did the loop CCW, think you did CW.
Saw you guys out there yesterday good day for a ride, remember that Blue Guy, I was the group with the Small Woman on the rRed bike you caught us on the decent. We did the loop CCW, think you did CW.
Awesome! Yea that blue guy is...that guy. Surprisingly few people out there yesterday, but always nice to see ladies in the CNF. The Smeegies popped San Juan cherry yesterday and took a substantial tumble over a rocky ledge. We were lucky to get to Cocktail Rock and back in 3 hours.
Happy Labor Day to all you sprocketheads!

I don't recommend the ride I did today, but it does have a reward...
