Imtb Paper towel challenge


iMTB Hooligan
Today, in our never ceasing efforts to combat Coronavirus and boredom, I put forth an endeavor only the hardiest of souls can even imagine.
I challenge you to only use one paper towel, for as long as possible.
To get involved, choose your weapon, must be paper, and write the date in the upper left hand corner in Sharpie or crayon if you like.
Post the photo in this thread and you're in.
There is no prize, except bragging rights, and I know some of you love to brag so get on it!


Already used this am...

The point is to use the towel for at least a day. I'd doesn't have to end up looking like Maggie's drawers..
Great idea! I've been doing this with my toilet paper for a month now. :eek: :thumbsup: . (Sorry, I used this same joke in another thread)

How about no paper towel? And paper napkins don't count. Rags, towels, sponges and cloth napkins for clean up and maybe Kleenex for nose blowing.
Great idea! I've been doing this with my toilet paper for a month now. :eek: :thumbsup: . (Sorry, I used this same joke in another thread)

How about no paper towel? And paper napkins don't count. Rags, towels, sponges and cloth napkins for clean up and maybe Kleenex for nose blowing.

We started using more cloth towels a few weeks ago and now have a good system. I keep a box in the garage near the washer where we throw all the dish towels and we go through several per day. Our paper towel usage has gone down substantially.
Perforations are all the rage now, ya know – they got em down to half of a half of a sheet. That's usually more than I need, so I tear that into smaller pieces. No, I'm not writing the date on one of those tiny scraps of paper and saving it!!!!!!!

Yep, cloth towels FTW.
In the first few days of the lockdown, my kids went through six rolls of PT in a couple of days.
After I explained to them the state of paper goods in the world, we implemented cheap washcloths for clean ups and 1/2 PT when they needed to use one. It’s been much improved since then.

It's an old world thing, they don't need to be coerced into conservation. It's a lifestyle. My grandmother-in-law always had a stash of used napkins and paper towels. Bless her heart. Bless their hearts! :notworthy:
Hoarders - the lot of them! My mother (b 1924 d 2013) never threw away a butter tub, yogurt or cottage cheese container or three peas left from dinner. Washed out plastic bags and kept every newspaper and magazine that came into the house because she might want to "go through them" for articles or recipes. There wasn't a surface of the house that wasn't occupied by a pile of something, and no room in the fridge for a cheese stick. Partially used Kleenex stowed behind couch cushions. Gotta love the Great Depression/World War II generation. Not many of them left.

I married a woman who throws away EVERYTHING. I am somewhere in between.
Hoarders - the lot of them! My mother (b 1924 d 2013) never threw away a butter tub, yogurt or cottage cheese container or three peas left from dinner. Washed out plastic bags and kept every newspaper and magazine that came into the house because she might want to "go through them" for articles or recipes. There wasn't a surface of the house that wasn't occupied by a pile of something, and no room in the fridge for a cheese stick. Partially used Kleenex stowed behind couch cushions. Gotta love the Great Depression/World War II generation. Not many of them left.

I married a woman who throws away EVERYTHING. I am somewhere in between.

My grandma was the same way. I don't think I've ever seen my dad lose his mind more than realizing my grandma was giving him frozen coffee that she had microwaved. She would make a pot on like Monday and then freeze cups of it for later in the week. We would go over there and my dad couldn't figure out why the coffee she was bringing him was always so terrible. Then it just became a ritual for my dad to stop and get coffee on the way or bring his own and make a pot there, since he would pretty much drink a pot in a sitting.

On topic. I use the blue garage paper towels and those things are surprisingly durable. I re-use them all the time.
Hoarders - the lot of them! My mother (b 1924 d 2013) never threw away a butter tub, yogurt or cottage cheese container or three peas left from dinner. Washed out plastic bags and kept every newspaper and magazine that came into the house because she might want to "go through them" for articles or recipes. There wasn't a surface of the house that wasn't occupied by a pile of something, and no room in the fridge for a cheese stick. Partially used Kleenex stowed behind couch cushions. Gotta love the Great Depression/World War II generation. Not many of them left.

I married a woman who throws away EVERYTHING. I am somewhere in between.
When we cleared out the parents house my mom had stacks and stacks of old TV Guides. Why!?:bang: