I'm FREEEE! Well, until January 4th...


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
Today is the first day of my Christmas Break! I took next week off :eek::thumbsup: so I have until January 4th off. No travel plans, just kicking it at home with Mrs. Watson and hoping to get some great rides in with the imtbtrails brothah/sistahood...

This has been the greatest year of growth and friendship development for imtbtrails. Please invite others.

Let me be the first to say Merry Christmas.
I hope and pray that all your holiday festivities are pleasant (with all of our dysfunctional families o_O;), ha hah!)
...and all are kept safe and sound.

Let the year end festivities . . . . BEGIN!

With great love for you all,
Get your Bike On!
Merry Christmas to you Mikie! And Cathy too of course!
You deserve a good break, Captain. Live it up! Even if that means not doing a damn thing : )

Not to horn in on your FabuFamTime...but y'oughta catch the southbound rush and join me for Joplin again. I know...repeat, booo. We could throw in the classic Luge as a finish...? If not, hope to catch up soon.

Party up, brother! Thanks for a great year!
You deserve a good break, Captain. Live it up! Even if that means not doing a damn thing : )

Not to horn in on your FabuFamTime...but y'oughta catch the southbound rush and join me for Joplin again. I know...repeat, booo. We could throw in the classic Luge as a finish...? If not, hope to catch up soon.

Party up, brother! Thanks for a great year!
Yup! I'm in... See you in the AM!