Hi, another str visitor.


iMTB Rockstah
Hi Guys,
I'm another str guy dropping by in search of fun rides and random bike related info.
I've recently gotten some good/bad news at work. The good news is that I'll be making more dough. But, the bad news...No more time to ride on weekdays :cry:
This weekend was my first weekend riding like every other joe weekender. Waking up early to fight the mall-like crowd of hikers, bikers and equestrians. Still, any day on a bike is a good day.

Let's see...My closest trail is LCWP/El Morro. I usually ride S. Oaks before/after work and the famous fully loop is down the rad from my office. Anyone looking to ride or needing a tour, feel free to hit me up.-trinidad
A sincere welcome my STR Brothah!
Thanks for trying the other white meat :lol: !
I too was blessed with in-week riding. I worked a 3-10 shift meaning Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, having Monday thru Thursday off to ride ride ride! But . . . no more :cry: ...

I'm a Lebec-ian, meaning I live in Lebec near Frazier Park. That's a galaxy far far away, HOWEVER! I'm never afraid to travel as my buddies can attest.

I do have a suggestion to your weekend over-population-on-the-trail woes mi amigo. Come spend some time with us! We do not experience that! We have great beer and great pizza, just like in your town, AND, we have most excellent trails with NO (none) traffic.

So if your gonna get out for a great experience and it has to be on the weekend go for quality . . . go for your good buds a little to the north, eh?

Happy imtbtrailin', the positive alternative!!!!

Thanks for the warm welcome Mikie! Nice site.
Brews, pizza and trails sound amazing! I def. need to make my way out to your trails.-t