Food drive

Discussion in 'Free Zone' started by Postal Pat, May 12, 2017.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

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  1. Postal Pat

    Postal Pat Well-Known Member

    Current Bike:
    kona hei hei
    Saturday may 13th is the 25th annual National Association of Letter Carriers food drive, if you could please leave some perishable food at your mailbox and your letter carrier will do the rest, it's an easy and painless way to give back, thank you. If this is inappropriate @Mikie I'll delete the post

  2. UPSed

    UPSed iMTB Hooligan

    Simi Valley
    Current Bike:
    Niner Jet 9 RDO
    It's okay and I approve this message.

    BTW my bag of donations is ready to go! :thumbsup:
  3. Sasquatch9billion

    Sasquatch9billion iMTB Rockstah

    trinidad j. mendez
    I got a bag together even though our letter carrier loves to jam, smash and cram our mail:(
    PSA: Don't forget to check expiration dates and toss out dented or expired food- people love to use "donations," as an excuse to have someone else throw away their trash.
  4. Mikie

    Mikie Admin/iMTB Hooligan

    NW Arkansas
    Mikie Watson
    Current Bike:
    Ibis DV9 / SC Hightower
    @psm , inappropriate???
    This is AWESOME!
    All I can think is RESPECT for you guys doing this, and for you taking the time to post that here.
    Thank you Patrick.
  5. Postal Pat

    Postal Pat Well-Known Member

    Current Bike:
    kona hei hei
    Thanks Mikie, just didn't want to ruffle feathers, I know this is a great group of people and help if they can
  6. Postal Pat

    Postal Pat Well-Known Member

    Current Bike:
    kona hei hei
    Sorry about the smashed mail, had to bring that up with my own carrier once :bang: lol. Thanks for the donation
    UPSed, Danmtchl and Sasquatch9billion like this.
  7. Sasquatch9billion

    Sasquatch9billion iMTB Rockstah

    trinidad j. mendez
    Oh, I don't mind until it tears my Dirt rag or Art forum.
    Danmtchl and Postal Pat like this.

As a former Amazon Associate I continue to get screwed trying to stay qualified as an Amazon Affiliate. So I quit!

Want to donate to imtbtrails?