Criminals lead MTB Team!


iMTB Hooligan
I am not making this up. I received a 100 page document today at work from an anonymous source that claimed criminals are leading the local schools' MtB team! I received literal dossiers on "known and suspected Rads" and tirades against Hans Rey, Sven Martin, Richie Schley, Crank Bros, Oakley, The Path and all of the people who have associated with people who have associated with the criminal act of....mountain biking on "questionable" trails. Insane. Won't they be shocked when they find out I am "one of them." Mt. biker - not Rad. There is no such thing as a Rad. They don't exist. And I only ride on clearly-marked, government-endorsed mountain biking trails.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. If I showed you the documents, you would think I was making it up. Some people are completely and utterly crazy. Luckily, the local schools deny actually having a mtb team, so there ya go. :?
You forgot Brian Lopes in your list. Don't forget the early days of the folks from AMP (Horst Leitner) that built those trail behind their shop and David Turner that was their test rider.

Long history of outlaw bike riding in Laguna. Things where good for many years until You Tube and Strava came around and now powers to be can not turn a blind eye. For years it has always done my heart good seeing the groms use the Laguna City buss trolleys to shuttle up top and do Canyon Acres repeats all day long. Some of those youngsters grew up to have mad skills. I have a video of a 9 year old clearing everything on PGs.

How do I join this group, "The Rads?" They sound really boss. Is there an application online? Is there any initiation or hazing involved?
^ Super human bike skills, excellent trail building skills without the direction of land managers, ability to leave people behind on rides, no respect for Irvine Company, ability to know trails well enough to elude capture and most important the ability to participate in long trailside safety meetings.

dstepper said:
^ Super human bike skills, excellent trail building skills without the direction of land managers, ability to leave people behind on rides, no respect for Irvine Company, ability to know trails well enough to elude capture and most important the ability to participate in long trailside safety meetings.


I'm an expert at Safety meetings! :mrgreen: