Buy it now! Gateway to the Luge and Old Camp!


iMTB Addict
For all you folks that like to ride the Luge ( @herzalot @Lost Kiwi and more ) here's an opportunity to get a few acres right at the entrance to Modjeska grade rd. Build your house and ride from your door! Or group buy and put up a Mtb Commune :cool:
modjeska grade lot.png
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For all you folks that like to ride the Luge ( @herzalot @Lost Kiwi and more ) here's an opportunity to get a few acres right at the entrance to Modjeska grade rd. Build your house and ride from your door! Or group buy and put up a Mtb Commune :cool:
View attachment 92814
See - I would be all over that if it included the section that is excluded by that weird triangle carve out! Looks like a reverse West Virginia!

During the pandemic, I often parked along Santiago Canyon Road right there and did double Luge loops. Whiting was closed.

It looks like there is still Phos-check on the ground indicating one of the likely dangers of building my dream home there. That and the constant rumble of hogs going to and from Cook's Corner might make that less than idyllic.

For those reasons - I'm out!

But I will be riding down Santiago Canyon Road and up Modjeska grade right there about two hours from now.:thumbsup:

EDIT: I lied. I rode past there at 10:00 am, not 9:00. A smarter man would have been there at 9:00 and thus not got caught in the rain on the Luge again. :facepalm:
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The concept pics basically show a long driveway from the base of the Grade, along the ridge to a house site across from the gate.
Doesn't look like a good arrangement and not much buildable probably.
I'm still waiting for the County to do something with the land on the other side of the Grade that they bought.
The concept pics basically show a long driveway from the base of the Grade, along the ridge to a house site across from the gate.
Doesn't look like a good arrangement and not much buildable probably.
I'm still waiting for the County to do something with the land on the other side of the Grade that they bought.

Interesting you mention that, I was wondering the same thing. Wasn't the plan to put in a parking lot for bikers and hikers?

I live a couple miles from this, it's not builable friendly IMO. Whoever might buy it is in for a fight from the enviros, and likely can't get fire insurance.

But then they built 90 condos behind me on what was maginal land, and as a bonus destroyed the view.
Anyone notice the giant yellow rumble strips installed on Modjeska Grade? I think there's 4 sets, maybe 5. The benefit to riders is you can definitely hear when a car is on Modjeska and not on Santiago Cyn. The downside is that the cars appear to be going wide there to skirt the buggers. Not enough room to miss them completely though.

That would add to the already-enticing audible charm of this location!

Interesting you mention that, I was wondering the same thing. Wasn't the plan to put in a parking lot for bikers and hikers?

I live a couple miles from this, it's not builable friendly IMO. Whoever might buy it is in for a fight from the enviros, and likely can't get fire insurance.

But then they built 90 condos behind me on what was maginal land, and as a bonus destroyed the view.

Yeah, was supposed to let us bypass the Grade and have a trailhead.
So, you live just above the Church office building? I have a couple of friends live up there. Can't believe (yes I can) they are building that retaining wall monstrosity.
Yeah, was supposed to let us bypass the Grade and have a trailhead.
So, you live just above the Church office building? I have a couple of friends live up there. Can't believe (yes I can) they are building that retaining wall monstrosity.

Yep I do live there. Monstrosity is correct!! I saw the plans prior to them getting approval and nowhere did it mention a 60 ft wall raising the building pad to our level. I, like everyone else here, thought it would be built at ground level by the church building. Go figure.......residents started moving into the first couple buildings.
Yep I do live there. Monstrosity is correct!! I saw the plans prior to them getting approval and nowhere did it mention a 60 ft wall raising the building pad to our level. I, like everyone else here, thought it would be built at ground level by the church building. Go figure.......residents started moving into the first couple buildings.
The City didn’t send you notification of an environmental document or even a public hearing for entitlements?
The concept pics basically show a long driveway from the base of the Grade, along the ridge to a house site across from the gate.
Doesn't look like a good arrangement and not much buildable probably.

They conveniently left out the high-voltage transmission lines that border the property to the NW... or the 100'+ transmission tower that would be sitting in your backyard. No pace-makers allowed outside the house! :)
To quote a very funny Aussie movie "Tell em they're dreaming". (Serious internet points to anyone here that can name it!)

Yeah thats a whole lot of nope for me @Danimal, that lands junk. 3.71 acres for a million! I know of 3.15 acres going for $400k plus its at the bottom of the Luge saving you having to climb all the way back up the hill after you've finished your ride. Also has the additional bonus of having one of the coolest street names I've ever known :cool:

Anyone notice the giant yellow rumble strips installed on Modjeska Grade? I think there's 4 sets, maybe 5. The benefit to riders is you can definitely hear when a car is on Modjeska and not on Santiago Cyn. The downside is that the cars appear to be going wide there to skirt the buggers. Not enough room to miss them completely though.

That would add to the already-enticing audible charm of this location!
Kind of hard to miss them! Went in a few weeks ago. Did a bang up job, quite a few of them have been torn out already. They're on the other side also just before the first hairpin as you run down to Modjeska canyon.
After riding past this at lunchtime it dawned on me just have ridiculous the whole proposition is. The triangular chunk coming in from Santiago canyon road appears to be for the power company to retain access to the power pole located on the property. The 100' transmission tower isn't on that land but must be right on the back boundary where the property above it accesses of Oriole.
I used my awesome photochop skills to come up with this more accurate depiction of what it would actually look like. :D

So I say flag all that bs and instead heres the little gem I found. I've been up there, its the top of the hill overlooking everyone. If you wanted to you could probably build your own alternative line down from STT into your back yard, the Luge mk2?
Not really related to this property, but I'd love to buy the plot of land between the Luge and Cooks Corner, so we don't have to take live oak down. Not just the cars buzzing by, but that's a lot of elevation that could be used for some jumps and features.
Not really related to this property, but I'd love to buy the plot of land between the Luge and Cooks Corner, so we don't have to take live oak down. Not just the cars buzzing by, but that's a lot of elevation that could be used for some jumps and features.

My daughter's 4H Club used to use that to raise their livestock on. There were a couple of barns and we built a lot of pens. The old house was still there
Then, they threatened to build houses and sent the enviros into a tizzy.
Something like $5 million state and $10 million federal was used to buy the property and give it to a Conservancy group.
We leased from them for two years but they wouldn't even let us kill rats because all life is sacred etc.
Then a lion ate some livestock and stalked a ~13 year old boy with his sheep.
We got a depredation permit and one of the dads killed the lion. That was the last straw for the conservancy and they ousted us.
Since then they have bulldozed everything as far as I know.
And now it is locked off to everyone for preservation.
In a nutshell, ~$15 million of taxpayer money was used to buy the property and hand it off to a private group to keep everyone out. Good use of public funds.
My daughter's 4H Club used to use that to raise their livestock on. There were a couple of barns and we built a lot of pens. The old house was still there
Then, they threatened to build houses and sent the enviros into a tizzy.
Something like $5 million state and $10 million federal was used to buy the property and give it to a Conservancy group.
We leased from them for two years but they wouldn't even let us kill rats because all life is sacred etc.
Then a lion ate some livestock and stalked a ~13 year old boy with his sheep.
We got a depredation permit and one of the dads killed the lion. That was the last straw for the conservancy and they ousted us.
Since then they have bulldozed everything as far as I know.
And now it is locked off to everyone for preservation.
In a nutshell, ~$15 million of taxpayer money was used to buy the property and hand it off to a private group to keep everyone out. Good use of public funds.
Ah Sh!t, I didn't realize that much history/context went into it. And $15M is definitely out of my price range!