

Thank God we don't have Grizzly Bears in So Cal!!
Check out the size of that!! And the claws!!
I don't think I would ever ride alone!! :o

Well if it is real, than I'm not sure it would matter to much if a person was riding alone or not. I think that beast would chuckle to himself after spoting my can of bear spray, and utter silly human, before having it it's own way! :o
I believe it! such an awesome animal.

And yes hill billy unless you shoot that bear spray canister and blow it up in the face of that grizz I'd say that bear gives ZERO fucks about your mace.
There used to be Grizzlies here. The last Grizzly from the ANF was killed in Bg Tujunga Cyn in 1916.

I was told you can identify which type of bear is around by examining their scat. Black bear poop is full of berries and leaves and smells like Sh!t. Grizzly poop has torn nylon, bells, and smells like pepper! :shock:
One reason I tolerate hikers is because they are not as fast as bikers when it comes to fleeing from a bear.

Btw, does anyone think a handgun would really bother that bear? You'd need field artillery.
I've seen bears up in BB a few times. Ran into a couple of cubs out in the meadow at Wildhorse once. They were out near the tree line on the east side of the meadow from 2N93. I stopped to try to get a picture, but actually I was really uncomfortable knowing mama was somewhere over there. They heard me and scampered back into the trees.
There is a large one that has been seen a few times during daylight hours on the Skyline Trail right near where 2N51Y hits 2N10.
And of course the one time at the cabin at about 6' off my deck stealing a bird feeder. Big boy just grunted at me, I yelled at him and he wandered away.
Bird feeder got the worst of that interaction. I Mcgyvered it back together :geek: only to have him get it the next day.
According to this, the last Grizzly in California was tracked and killed in Trabuco canyon, just a couple miles from me.
There used to be a guy that often played the fiddle on the side of Santiago Canyon road with a stuffed animal bear head next to him.
After multiple times seeing him I stopped and chatted. He was getting the idea out for a Grizzly Bear National monument in Trabuco Canyon.

Cougars don't really bother me, but if I ran into anything attached to that paw, I think I'd crap myself. Seriously....

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I was going to post in this thread... and then BBJohn went and conjured up the abomination that is the pop culture reference to my totem animal :P
It's a fisheye lens pic. Yes. That 'paw' (such as it is) is only 1.4 inches across. I know this because I am a phtoogrpaher.

BTW, I tell myself these little lies to keep from losing it in my pants.

That is all.

- shud