Backbone trail from top of Corral to Mishe Mokwa and back


Well-Known Member
Ride Name: Backbone trail from top of Corral to Mishe Mokwa and back
When: Oct 8, 2016
Time: 7:00 AM
Ride Description or Details:
This will be done as 2 out & back rides from Encinal TH.
Going to top Of Corral Cyn first about 24/5K. Come back to car refresh and then go out for another 20/2300

~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location:
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Ride Pace: Moderate Pace, Fast Pace
Type of Ride: Out and Back
Rider Limit: 333
Anticipated Mileage: 44
Elevation Gain: 7255
Ride Duration: 6 hrs
Previous Ride Reports:
Possible Bail-Outs:
Facilities: non
Food/water suggestions: it will be waiting in your car
Option to Upload:
Ride Name: Backbone trail from top of Corral to Mishe Mokwa and back
When: Oct 8, 2016
Time: 7:00 AM
Ride Description or Details:
This will be done as 2 out & back rides from Encinal TH.
Going to top Of Corral Cyn first about 24/5K. Come back to car refresh and then go out for another 20/2300

~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location:
Skill Level:
Intermediate, Advanced
Ride Pace: Moderate Pace, Fast Pace
Type of Ride: Out and Back
Rider Limit: 333
Anticipated Mileage: 44
Elevation Gain: 7255
Ride Duration: 6 hrs
Previous Ride Reports:
Possible Bail-Outs:
Food/water suggestions: it will be waiting in your car
Option to Upload:
Sounds cool big rig rider. I'll plan on at least the first leg and see if there's anything left in the tank for the second ride. Rode to work today and I'm feeling the 50 miles.
I'll be in the blue element with the dead pool road knome strapped to the front.
Good ride, Santa Monica's looking good, but the backbone could use some rain.
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Sounds cool big rig rider. I'll plan on at least the first leg and see if there's anything left in the tank for the second ride. Rode to work today and I'm feeling the 50 miles.
I'll be in the blue element with the dead pool road knome strapped to the front.
@NewEnglander dude was that you, we saw at the trail head? I could have sweared you said you had a green element.
@NewEnglander dude was that you, we saw at the trail head? I could have sweared you said you had a green element.
Yeah it was me. Blue Element. No worries, I forgot my shoes and ended up heading to a shop to buy a new pair. I was due anyway. Came back for the second leg but couldn't find anyone going by bigringrider so I headed north for the 20 mile out and back. Cool ride. Sorry I missed you guys. It's a bit tough not knowing who anyone is yet.