Another great Article on Trail Pix by Shudder...


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
Once again,
Shudder wrote a great follow up article over on Singletrack Minds in regards to taking awesome pics on the trail. :clap:
I genuinely appreciate that Shudder took the time out of his schedule to put together a fun and informative article.

Thanks SO much for doing this series!!!
Check it out: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Hey, Shud.
A lot of old-timer photographers think Photoshop is somehow cheating. I think they forget that in the old days, we would still dodge, burn, crop, rotate, change filters, change paper, and change exposures. Nowadays, it's just easier with the click of a mouse. Recently I was reading a story by Annie Leibowitz. She was working on a project to re-create one of Ansel Adams' classic pictures in Yosemite. That morning Annie was having coffee with the granddaughter of Adams, and lamenting that after a week in the valley, she was nearly out of time and hadn't yet caught the desired cloud formations. Adams' granddaughter commented that the early photographers would often combine images to get the desired cloud effects. Annie went back and reviewed many of Adams' photographs and found that indeed, he had cut and pasted clouds! Perhaps that anecdote is common knowledge, but for me it was a revelation.

Modern photography is pretty amazing. In the old days, there were some great images, but most came from professionals or the occasional lucky amateur. Nowadays, with the ubiquity of good equipment and the low cost per image, a lot of people are churning out some spectacular images.

Thank you for the article. It was a fun read.
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