Acton Trail video Feb. 2019


Well-Known Member
Headless HB crosses the rapids on AT trail

Wow, 10:30! When does that ever happen? If I wasn’t working I’d make this, there is no getting tired of that trail for me when it’s riding season! Jump in Ross it’s primo, with more soaking today. This ride could be a snow ride if your lucky!
Yeah, by 1030, I'm hoping to be on my way down...
I could start at 9am if other people are going. If not, I would like to be rolling by 8am...
That's if this is happening...
@rossage >You are the real deal, I on the other hand am a poser. Although I have been known to start at 9:00.
This week end I know of 4 people who have ridden AT, Josh, Scottay, MTBHot rod, and me. I went out today for some yard work and saw tracks of only 4? I hope you can find somebody to seize the day, you will be missing out if you don’t.
Coming home from work today, to my surprise was a huge what almost looked to be a thunder head cloud, but a slightly different look to it. What it was was a snow cloud that was spanning Acton but had already spent itself over my house but was white out on the x-county section and the Gleason side of Acton, means tomorrow should be good to go for a snow ride if it’s still there tomorrow, may melt on the x-county side of the trail. Will see?