Hello there is only one song for mountain biking especially For This Crew..

It's a Long Way to the Top If you want to rock and roll

Saw them live For Those About to Rock Tour cannons were so loud we were standing on the seat arms about 10 rows back and they knocked us into the next row. True story
End of an era; what a pioneer and what a legacy. Founder of one of the most prolific rock acts of all time, gone.

AC/DC has been dying in stages for decades...every time a member leaves, becomes incapacitated, dies, gets fired. Dismissing Brian J like some hired hand was some stone cold Sh!t and the last straw. An aged Angus with the same shtick backed by an unknown band is not AC/DC to me. That goes triple if I have to endure Axl as the singer. I'll keep spinning the Thunder from Down Under like always, but Angus and this current version of the "band" have lost me.

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Bonus link for the hopeless AC/DC fans, Brian killing it on a Bon-era number:

That River Plate/Buenos Aires concert in '09 with the original lineup (less Bon, RIP) has to be some of the absolute best. If you don't smile at those Argentinian kids getting with the groove, you must be cryogenically frozen.

It's AC/DC night in our house. Man, what a force. The power of music...let it reign. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
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