5 Deer Trail


Posted this over in the STR forum and was told I'd probably get more response over here at imtbtrails.com:
"Hi All!
Moved out to SCV about a year ago and new to the STR forum and this group. Thought it might be a good spot to connect with a few more riders. Took a trip up to check out Five Deer Trail a few weeks ago and found it to be a pretty sweet trail - decent elevation and the views are spectacular. However it's a bit overgrown to really enjoy (still dealing with some Poison Oak patches). From what I've found it used to get some decent traffic until a wildfire took it out of commission. It looks like some work had been done to clean it up in the last year or two since it isn't completely overgrown, and as far as I can tell it is "open" to mountain bikers (no motos!). I'd be interested in making a run through with loppers and cutting back some of the vegitation, maybe even getting the trail tools out to clean up some of the blown out sections, anyone else on board? Is there a group in the area that'd be worth contacting or is this it?"

From what I've seen in a few posts this seems to be the place.
Also, looking to check out this AT trail over by Acton, anybody willing to give me a tour?

Hey Jason!
Welcome to imtbtrails! You nailed the right place as far as 5 Deer, and AT, and Golden Eagle, and McGill, and Tapia, and Wrightwood, and the San Gabriels, and Palm Canyon, and Kernville, and ,and and, ... :lol:

We are the trail maintenance kings.

I have been riding 5 Deer since 1992. It does need some serious TLC. Have no fear though, we don't usually Lop it, we "BEAST" it!

Ref: <a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.imtbtrails.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=928" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=15&t=928</a>

This and 3 to 4 pitchforks and we get a couple miles done a day...

I am getting the hankering to go ride 5 deer on a regular basis this summer and I am willing to invest in a Shrubbery Shrapnel-Fest!

I think we can gather some folks for an escapade...
So... Is there any, pardon the pun, traction on this idea? I've never been up that way and would like to check it out. Since trail maintenance is in mind, and it wouldn't be a ball to the walls type of ride, I'm interested.

So, what's the plan? I'm FINALLY back on day shift Monday. SO, I should be getting more time in the saddle. I've got about two years of rust on the old knees, back, butt.....
Glad to see I've found the right place.

Mikie - The BEAST looks like one badass trail cutting/clearing machine...although I wouldn't get anywhere near that thing unless you put some kind of steel guard/shroud around the back 2/3rds. Seems like a solid rock strike and you could shatter the blade sending projectile shards in all directions.

I'd be up for doing a weeknight evening trail work session tomorrow or Thursday, or sometime next week. I get out of work in SC ~4:30 which gets me up to 5 deer just after 5. Just start from the moto staging area off Artesian Springs and work our way up the trail?
Awesome Jason,
The trailwork will most likely have to be on a Saturday. I travel from the Lebec area and get up at 3:00am for my J.O.B.! :(

We will need about 4 guys. 3 yielding Pitchforks, gloves and safety glasses. "The BEAST" will take care of the rest...

We just need to schedule the day. 8-)

Tracy and I rode it today and had a blast! The brush is starting to get tight but as long as you're flexible you can bob, weave, and duck under almost all of it. The dirt was very good with lots of chunkiness too!
j-chap said:
im up for a trail maintenance day next week around thanksgiving? anyone interested?

Sorry J-Chap, I totally missed this post until now! Are you here over Christmas break too? I get 3 weeks off so I could do some work on 5-Deer and AT! We could do a weekend brush cutter as well. Been raking a bunch of leaves from my yard the last couple weekends so it would be a nice change to work on a trail! Let me know when you're available and we'll set something up!
I too, must apologize. I saw this and then promptly forgot it. too much going on lately... We do need to have a trail day on 5 Deer. It desperately needs our TLC...

With tough weather coming on and things getting damp it's a good time to get up there.
I'm game for cleaning up 5 deer in the next couple weeks - prime time with the recent rainfall!
My vote would be for the upcoming weekend (Dec. 6-7th) and/or the following weekend (Dec. 13-14th)
With the moisture we are supposed to get on Tuesday (tomorrow) Either weekend should be prime. I will work on the "The Beast" in preparation. We need to get that trail back online! :clap:
December 6th works for me at this point...
NICE! I wont be back till the weekend of the 18th but i will be down for 4 weeks so will have plenty of time to do a little TLC.

I heard from a friend of mine who runs up there that its actually in pretty decent condition already. Maybe someone has been doing some work up there?
My pitch fork is at the ready, but I much prefer to work on AT. Eventhough If we get a crew ,we can knock 5 Deer out of the park! Maybe 3 hedge trimmers , pitch forks , and the beast!
hill^billy said:
My pitch fork is at the ready, but I much prefer to work on AT. Eventhough If we get a crew ,we can knock 5 Deer out of the park! Maybe 3 hedge trimmers , pitch forks , and the beast!

I don't own a pitchfork 'cuz I'm such an angel :angel: but I gotta cordless hedge trimmer with 3 batteries! Looks like rain is out of the forecast for Saturday but the trail may still be a bit muddy in places. To those who have ridden 5-D recently, how bad is the brush? Is it Beast-worthy or will the trimmers be sufficient? The Beast could take care of the thickest parts while the trimmers could fine tune the rest and maybe cover the whole trail in a day! Either way I'm in for Saturday if we can put something together.
I have not been up there since April and at that time the trail was in okay shape, but there was a lot of brush/branches right at handlebar height. Rideable, but super annoying. Anyone been up there more recently?
Weather is looking up for Saturday and I'm free, some one throw out a time and place to meet.
I don't have a pitchfork, but could probably get my hands on a McLeod to clean up and help clear.
I'm in for Saturday.
If everyone does not mind me making the call, let's meet at the trail bottom at 9:30am and work our way up the trail. I strongly suggest eye protection, gloves, and a pitch fork if you are following behind the beast. As well bringing a lunch and your camelbak is not a bad idea.

Other tools ofcourse a Mcloud for dirt work.

Is it still deer season in that area? Maybe orange?
That works for me! The dirt road up might be a bit dicey so we could meet at the bottom of the road and maybe take 1 or 2 4-wheel drive vehicles up. 9:30 is a good time! Bring all your pitchforks H^B!
Okay, going through "THE BEAST" now.
Anticipating the line up to be Maddog, jlindy86, hill^billy, myself and the beast at the parking lot at 9:30am for a group ride in a 4x to the bottom trailhead, right?

I'm bringing my truck, the beast, work gloves, eye protection, my camelbak and some lunch. a can of mixed gas, and a pitch fork
Please let me know if this get's canceled. It's an hour drive for me.

See you guys then!
I can't get the beast to run. I think the carburetor needs to be rebuilt (if I can get parts).
What should I do? :?:
I'll head up there on a moto around 9:30, park at the small clearing at the bottom of 5 deer and work my way up with loppers. If I remember correctly the top of the trail was pretty clear, mostly the mid to lower section that needs debrushing. If the beast is running, great, if not, still another day out on the trails!
I was awake at 4:00 this morning, so I went out to the garage and tried to get the Beast running again. It will start but not keep running. :evil:
I'm going to pass on 5 Deer today and pull the carburetor apart. - Sorry guys!
That's OK H^B! Must be all those carpet cleaning fumes killin' off your brain cells over the years :lol: ! There really wasn't much thick stuff to deal with. Jason and I just did some fine tuning trimming and lopping. I brought a hand saw so we cut a few low branches and that was about it. We covered the lower 1.5 miles which now have no encroaching, arm/leg scratching branches to mess up your ride! We stopped at that small clearing where the trail splits for about 30 yards. A sharp right takes you down a steep, narrow moto-rut while straight ahead has a much less steep,rocky, sweeping right hand turn.

There is some moto-terracing at the oak grove about a mile in for some Mcleod work the next time. A huge oak has fallen at the apex of that turn with a couple large branches across the trail. Have to hab through there! I'm sure there are more terraces and much thicker brush further along the trail for the next work day. I'm off for 2 1/2 weeks starting 12/22 for weekday rides and trail work.
Hey Maddog and jlindy86!
Thanks for following through, unlike I did and flaked. I did pull the carburetor down and it was what I thought. It has these really flat rubbery gasket like valve flaps that that are fuel ports and the gaskets have finally given up the ghost are all hard and non flexible. I called Pickus Bros. in Lancaster where I bought it 20+ years ago and he said we will have to try and find a carburetor that will fit it as they no longer make parts for it. The nerve of Echo to do that to "THE BEAST". Os I have Dave looking for a match now.

So does it need more dirt work or foliage cut? Sounds like both...
Thanks again you guys. :thumbup: I owe you both a couple rounds of whatevah your drinking.

Lets get out there and do this again.

I am driving down today and going to try and do a small amount of work tomorrow friday.

What days coming up are good for anyone?
UPDATE 12/22/14

Made it up there today to do some work. Great job Maddog and everyone I would say this is the best i have ever seen it. With the exception of all the moto poaching now.

I cleared one of the logs at the fallen tree, and laid down some rocks with more dirt so it should be ride-able just tricky. Made it quite a ways past the split maddog mentioned and its clear for a ways. Just a small amount more work and it'll be ready to rip.