499 Members on the Wall...


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
499 alleged Mountain Bikers have become imtbtrails members... Who is going to be number 500?
Kind of exciting!
..... Take one down, pass it around...
The winner gets a new, fancy, MATCHING MTBing outfit picked out by our own Fashionista, HERZALOT!!!! :lol:

Man, I'm so bummed out that I'm already on the site....he'd make me look sweet!
ChrisPBacon said:
The winner gets a new, fancy, MATCHING MTBing outfit picked out by our own Fashionista, HERZALOT!!!! :lol:

Man, I'm so bummed out that I'm already on the site....he'd make me look sweet!

The reason we are nearing 500 is cuz YOU are ALREADY on the site.... :roll:

Is it just me, or have I started seeing quite a few new names posting lately? Building momentum...
Well . . . . to be absolutely honest, I firmly believe that there is a very positive dynamics that has been building and that is due to the great people that are attracting great people...
Who would not want to be a part of a community of like minded/open minded Mountain Bikers that embrace our sport in a positive encouraging manner????
mtnbikej said:
Faust29 said:
Is it just me, or have I started seeing quite a few new names posting lately? Building momentum...

No......those are just my multiple personalities.

If we ride on Sunday, I hope the slow and mellow J shows up. Not the 13,000 feet of elevation J. ;-)

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I think if I left the site, you might get a lot more people to sign up!

499 members and only about 15 can be counted on to post something once a week or more. The other 484 sure are a quiet bunch.

And Chris P Bacon, I am guessing you are already a trend-setting fashion hound when you ride! I just wear old mismatched stuff - but I draw the line at mixing elements of XC, 'nduro, free-ride, DH, homeless man and field hockey. Knee socks, lycra shorts, a hockey sweater and elbow pads - over the jersey of course - FTW! Throw on some goggles too!!
First off . . . that was totally a phish for a compliment. You have been huge (instrumental) in raising the bar at imtbtrails...

Second off, don't make fun of what I ride in....
Mikie said:
First off . . . that was totally a phish for a compliment. You have been huge (instrumental) in raising the bar at imtbtrails...

Second off, don't make fun of what I ride in....

Oh crap - I thought I was making up that ensemble - umm, uhh (awkward stammering)..uhh, oh "It looks good on you though" a la Rodney Dangerfield to Judge Schmails in Caddyshack regarding the hat.

<a class="postlink" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzPsdkTCufs" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzPsdkTCufs</a>

Oh and "Phish" and "instrumental" together makes me think of spinning hippies...
Mikie said:
First off . . . that was totally a phish for a compliment. You have a huge (instrument)

Second off, don't make fun of what I ride in....

It's 1:26am, I'm sick as a dawg with the flu, in bed waking Cathy up from laughing out loud. :lol:

497 ... 498 ... 499 ...? 499? 499? 499???
Mikie said:
It's 1:26am, I'm sick as a dawg with the flu, in bed waking Cathy up from laughing out loud. :lol:

497 ... 498 ... 499 ...? 499? 499? 499???

You're welcome! Hope you feel better soon!
I have a few friends who ride who have not joined our little internet club. One who was featured in a ride report from GE. I will convince him to be number 500. I got this...
HOLY COW!(perferated heifer)

We have our 500th imtbtrails member and its Bruinbiker!
Congratulation Bruinbiker! You no doubt live somewhere in the OC area and now have full access to Herzalot and him teaching you his mad skills on Nose Wheelies in your jammies, in your very own driveway!
Turns out my friend N8 is already a member, so I had to tug another sleeve. Bruinbiker is another mtb addict, and another Yeti rider (SB5c - lucky dog). He is also "one of the people you meet on the trail" (referencing the other thread). I met Todd in early 2013 in exactly the same location where I met Danimal in 2007 - the bottom of Rock-It. He feigned interest in trying a Knolly (he was on an Ibis HDR at the time).

Does Todd get the 500th member prize package?
herzalot said:
Does Todd get the 500th member prize package?
Why yes he does Herzalot!...

As well as the opportunity to say that he is "That Guy!"