southern california mountain bike forum

  1. Mikie

    Hydration Systems

    I like Hydration Packs. I just do. Not only do they carry all my junk, there has been a few occasions where going over the bars and doing a complete flip on to my back when hitting the ground was more like landing on a water bed. Dooooooooood, that was so kewl! But my Camelbak is wore out. I...
  2. Mikie

    imtbtrails xenForo Forum Tutorial

    DISCLAIMER: This Vid is a bit long and may require a 1 to 1.5 beer investment...
  3. Mikie

    Lower Rock Creek Trail Sept 18th or 19th

    Every year... well most every year I go on a fishing trip with some buds from church. It has morphed into them bringing their fishing poles and me bringing my bike to do Lower Rock Creek Trail and to make the road climb up to Lower Rock Creek Lake. I can't say LRC is a destination trail, BUT...