
  1. Mikie

    Video: FallingStar

    A short little run in the Agura Hills area of Southern California. This was the end run of our Suicide/Dead Cow adventure. Hah! This was easy peasy compared to those. More of a high speed flow with some switchbacks at the end. @Goodie (Dennis) led it out with @UPSed behind him and me chasing...
  2. Mikie

    Golden Eagle Saturday 1/30/16

    Did NOT want to disrespect Eric's search for folks to ride with at 1:00pm start time on Friday, so new post... Golden Eagle! With Extra Credit! This Saturday January 30th with a meet time of 9:00am for the travelers in the group... This is not a barn burner but a miles with smiles ride to get...
  3. Mikie

    Video: Dead Cow Trail

    Bomp pah Dee Dah Bomp pah Dee Dah, Happy Trails to you, until, we meet again... (Don't worry, that's not the tune) Dead Cow! down in Agura Hills. A much better run than we had earlier in the soggy fog on Suicide. I followed Scottay down, him riding a hardtail with 3 inch tires... Scottay...