Labor Day Weekend Rides... Where Are They???

And... As of 3:30 Friday afternoon, there is still a sheriff's deputy at the end of Trabuco wash restricting access. And helicopters over the burn area...
Maybe I'll join @scan...

Or just do my own thing over at Whiting-STT-Luge-Whiting or Aliso proper. I'm guessing I won't be lonely in either place.
GMR and Glendora Ridge Road are both closed to motor vehicles until Tuesday morning; red flag conditions.. Looks like I'll be hitting Mt Baldy Village Monday. Woohoo!!
I've heard of these, and know they're relatively close, but have always kinda' been vague to me. Where is the trailhead area, and the typical routes up there?
I've heard of these, and know they're relatively close, but have always kinda' been vague to me. Where is the trailhead area, and the typical routes up there?

They're both roads with pavement in very good condition. I start at the intersection of Glendora Mtn Road (GMR) and Sierra Madre Ave. Just a couple miles from the 57/210 interchange. You can take GMR to the top, about 8 miles and 2,200 feet. An alternative to get to that point is Monroe Truck Trail - 8 miles and 2,400 feet of great singletrack, beginning at the first hairpin left turn on GMR - which ends up at the top of GMR. Then you have rollers along Glendora Ridge Road and another 4 mile or so climb. Then you drop a mile into Mt Baldy Village. My goal is the ski lifts at Mt. Baldy, but I haven't made it there yet.

To the village and back is about 45 miles and 5,200 feet of elevation gain. The farther past the village you go, the more elevation you get...quickly.:eek::thumbsup:

You can also take Monroe Truck Trail back down. It's a blast. :)

This is the Strava link of one of the rides I've done.
They're both roads with pavement in very good condition. I start at the intersection of Glendora Mtn Road (GMR) and Sierra Madre Ave. Just a couple miles from the 57/210 interchange. You can take GMR to the top, about 8 miles and 2,200 feet. An alternative to get to that point is Monroe Truck Trail - 8 miles and 2,400 feet of great singletrack, beginning at the first hairpin left turn on GMR - which ends up at the top of GMR. Then you have rollers along Glendora Ridge Road and another 4 mile or so climb. Then you drop a mile into Mt Baldy Village. My goal is the ski lifts at Mt. Baldy, but I haven't made it there yet.

To the village and back is about 45 miles and 5,200 feet of elevation gain. The farther past the village you go, the more elevation you get...quickly.:eek::thumbsup:

You can also take Monroe Truck Trail back down. It's a blast. :)

This is the Strava link of one of the rides I've done.
Perfect, thanks Mark! Car free with cool temps... sounds like a good combination! Would it be better on a CX bike or even a fat-tired (40mm) road bike?
I've never ridden a CX or fat-tire road bike (horrors!!) so I really don't know how those would do on Monroe Truck Trail. I've ridden the pavement route on both a skinny tire C-dale Synapse and a mtb with 2.25 inch 29er tires. Both do well.

IMNSHO, it's way more fun coming down GMR on a mtb than a road bike. Faster and less sketchy.:thumbsup:

I really, really want a CX bike. Must save my pennies.
Beautiful morning! Low temps, overcast... just perfect! The 14 y.o. was even happy to go, so go we did. A bit late, leaving at 9:00. Rode till noonish, 18 miles, less than 1k of climbing... lots of trails and exploring! It was the first 12 or so miles of the Strada Rossa last March with a little HAB to get back across the river.

All dirt from here out:


Even able to explore the abandoned caboose in the middle of a housing tract:
Is anyone planning any rides on Monday morning in the Santa Monica's? I'm traveling back from Europe tomorrow and if the jet lag's not too bad I'm hoping to get out on Monday morning.
They're both roads with pavement in very good condition. I start at the intersection of Glendora Mtn Road (GMR) and Sierra Madre Ave. Just a couple miles from the 57/210 interchange. You can take GMR to the top, about 8 miles and 2,200 feet. An alternative to get to that point is Monroe Truck Trail - 8 miles and 2,400 feet of great singletrack, beginning at the first hairpin left turn on GMR - which ends up at the top of GMR. Then you have rollers along Glendora Ridge Road and another 4 mile or so climb. Then you drop a mile into Mt Baldy Village. My goal is the ski lifts at Mt. Baldy, but I haven't made it there yet.

To the village and back is about 45 miles and 5,200 feet of elevation gain. The farther past the village you go, the more elevation you get...quickly.:eek::thumbsup:

You can also take Monroe Truck Trail back down. It's a blast. :)

This is the Strava link of one of the rides I've done.

I am very tempted to join you, but it might leave me a little fried for the 10 hour hike my son has planned for Tuesday...

That link you posted is the day we did it. That was my most successful run out there... No mechanicals!
Uh ha!

Sounds good Ryan - I could be up for that. What time are you thinking? I guess earlyish to beat the heat? I land back on Sunday evening so can you let you know if I'm in or not then, if that works for you?
You guys mind if I play tour guide? @MrGreedom @TomF
I might be game to do this ride. I suggest parking on Bayliss Rd between Queensferry Rd and Eric Drive. Park on the side opposite the houses, I try to be courteous to the homeowners.
You guys decide on the start time...
8:30ish rendezvous Saturday at Lazy W, San Juan trailhead for a lollipop loop. All singletrack plus one guy who can keep up with the gravel grinders but likes to keep it on the narrow.
Good times. I cleaned all but two switchbacks climbing to cocktail rock. That's a PR for me.
Spandex feels so good on a sweaty and windy day. I must remain diligent, however, with my storm trooper kit.
Aliso again today (Sunday 9/4) with an old friend, plus @Cougar. 11am meet time. Main lot. XC racer hammerhead pace. Bring your lycra and water bottles.

I lied. Casual, slow-climbing, social pace and intermediate-level trail selections. High of 72° predicted for Aliso Viejo today. I imagine it will feel a lot hotter.
You guys mind if I play tour guide? @MrGreedom @TomF
I might be game to do this ride. I suggest parking on Bayliss Rd between Queensferry Rd and Eric Drive. Park on the side opposite the houses, I try to be courteous to the homeowners.
You guys decide on the start time...
Depending on what time you start riding, I might see you. Starting from the valley side though.
Aliso again today (Sunday 9/4) with an old friend, plus @Cougar. 11am meet time. Main lot. XC racer hammerhead pace. Bring your lycra and water bottles.

I lied. Casual, slow-climbing, social pace and intermediate-level trail selections. High of 72° predicted for Aliso Viejo today. I imagine it will feel a lot hotter.

Man- I was halfway out of the chair, ready to run to the garage... And then I saw the second part. Time to steal the neighbor's cat and give it a perm. :p
You are welcome anytime anywhere @Luis

@TomF I rode it this morning and it felt ideal. 9am start and temps stayed around 70 thanks to cloud cover. Even got a sprinkle of rain so the softer dirt was a treat. Fall like conditions. May be a little hotter tomorrow.
8:30 meet up sound good, even if Luis shows us some extra credit we will be done before noon.
