Glenn Ranch Parking Lot Tunnel and Edison Barbwired again


I did a ride this morning into Whiting, and coming back through the Glenn Ranch Parking Lot, they now put a barb wire at the tunnel that leads to the Edison Substation. Someone also put barbwire by Edison again. The trail that connects to the Aliso Creek Bike Path. This time, they put the wire on the other end and not from the bike path side. Who is doing this? This is my route for my lunch rides. If it is a disgruntled homeowner, I am beyond pissed. What can we do, or can we contact? Is this legit? The last time, the wire was put up, somebody tore it down, and I hope this will happen again. This is getting really ridiculous. They built all these new homes on the so-called "Nature Habitat", and now they want to ban us from what little of nature is left (insert anger here).
I did a ride this morning into Whiting, and coming back through the Glenn Ranch Parking Lot, they now put a barb wire at the tunnel that leads to the Edison Substation. Someone also put barbwire by Edison again. The trail that connects to the Aliso Creek Bike Path. This time, they put the wire on the other end and not from the bike path side. Who is doing this? This is my route for my lunch rides. If it is a disgruntled homeowner, I am beyond pissed. What can we do, or can we contact? Is this legit? The last time, the wire was put up, somebody tore it down, and I hope this will happen again. This is getting really ridiculous. They built all these new homes on the so-called "Nature Habitat", and now they want to ban us from what little of nature is left (insert anger here).

Are there signs up or just the barbed wire? Is it easy to see?
Any response from OC Parks or Rangers?

I think OCParks actually bent over and gave that Edison trail to those developers a few years ago. I remember reading that it was no longer an OC trail

But, they wouldn't close with barbed wire in a dangerous way, they'd probably just gate and fence.
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Cut it down. This is my regular ride and been riding it for 15 yrs, and last Sunday morning was open. I'm convinced it's a homeowner, especially since it is not closed off from the homes.

I specifically asked about signs and whether or not the barbed wire was easy to see for a reason. If they are putting up signs ... then it is not trail sabotage. Legalities aside, of course. I take a dim view of trail sabotage and trying to hurt us.

Curious how this turns out. I ride out there all the time also, but not really familiar with any of the trail references.
Sounds like you are talking about the Edison Riding and Hiking Trail. I just checked Orange County land records and all of that land belongs to Edison. It is not private property (aside from Edison owning it as a corporation), and the only people who might put up fencing would be Edison - and I'm certain it would be after significant conversation occurred (public input sessions, etc). AND they'd have signage and wouldn't be using barbed wire - they'd have 8' tall chain link fencing. Barbed wire screams "liability lawsuit".

I would cut/remove the wire. Probably someone in Portola Hills miffed about people in that space... though to be honest it is a well-known area for trail bandits and motos going wherever they want.

I'm curious what a "trail bandit," is.

I texted one of the rangers about it and they asked for a link to this thread. Fingers crossed.
Oh... it is a term I use for people who cut "illegal" trails through an area that already has legal trails. If you've biked in the area you've seen signs on some of those trailheads stating "please stay on authorized trails" or "no entry - environmentally protected area" (or something similar). The main trail is a maintained truck trail that connects the two trail systems... but that doesn't stop people from trying to create new single track trails through the scrub.

I've also seen motos back there... but you could say the same for just about anywhere in CNF and Whiting.
I spoke to a Ranger, and I was told the land now belongs to a conservation company called Southwest Resource Management. Supposedly, Edison only had an easement? In any case, I have a call into this conservation company as I find it hard to believe they would put up these wires for all the reasons mentioned. Especially, since homeowners have also placed rocks on the single track that starts off the Edison Trail and looks to be still used by hikers and/ or riders. Some other signs were posted in the past but removed by some upset riders or hikers, and they never were put back up. What makes me angry, too, is that they keep talking about conservation and nature habitats, but they have no problem tearing down this nature habitat to build entire cities of luxury homes.
I spoke to a Ranger, and I was told the land now belongs to a conservation company called Southwest Resource Management. Supposedly, Edison only had an easement? In any case, I have a call into this conservation company as I find it hard to believe they would put up these wires for all the reasons mentioned. Especially, since homeowners have also placed rocks on the single track that starts off the Edison Trail and looks to be still used by hikers and/ or riders. Some other signs were posted in the past but removed by some upset riders or hikers, and they never were put back up. What makes me angry, too, is that they keep talking about conservation and nature habitats, but they have no problem tearing down this nature habitat to build entire cities of luxury homes.
I was born and raised down there. Visiting my parents or brother in OC still makes me sad. Growing-up you would see the unconscionable expansion and destruction of land down there, even as a kid it pissed me off.
The only other place I know of that will let developers go that nuts is Texas. They'll let you build anything in Texas.

(Disclaimer: Before anyone jumps on me for talking Sh!t on developers. It is what I do for a living.)
Did a ride there to check it out today. They put up signs and barbed wire at the tunnel, at the housing track, to keep you out of other areas etc. So likely not a homeowner as they have barbed their own area.The dirt road from Saddleback to the Edison power area is open and I rode it today. I did see quite a few folks that I talked to on it, they were all aware that it was put up yesterday and as this is a public forum I won't post what they said but the thought is pretty consistent. I did see truck in the No Trespassing area and they were really really busy, looking at their phones doing nothing.

Anyone that would put up Barbed Wire has NO concern for the animals that might have an eye taken out by the barb. Certainly not any kind of conservationist that cares about animals.

@mtbfan let me know what you find out, as the sign conspicuously do NOT have any contact info on them. What worries me is this is what Happened just prior to them building there. My guess is we can expect more homes soon. " let's conserve the land, then Kill thousands of animals , thousands of plants and piss off people that have been using this for many many years." Yeah this is how you make friends.

@BonsaiNut that map pretty well is what is blocked off now.

When I move here that was labeled "permanent open space" on the map which is now mostly homes. So a moving target and not permanent by any stretch of the imagination. :facepalm:
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Did a ride there to check it out today. They put up signs and barbed wire at the tunnel, at the housing track, to keep you out of other areas etc. So likely not a homeowner as they have barbed their own area.The dirt road from Saddleback to the Edison power area is open and I rode it today. I did see quite a few folks that I talked to on it, they were all aware that it was put up yesterday and as this is a public forum I won't post what they said but the thought is pretty consistent. I did see truck in the No Trespassing area and they were really really busy, looking at their phones doing nothing.

Anyone that would put up Barbed Wire has NO concern for the animals that might have an eye taken out by the barb. Certainly not any kind of conservationist that cares about animals.

@mtbfan let me know what you find out, as the sign conspicuously do NOT have any contact info on them. What worries me is this is what Happened just prior to them building there. My guess is we can expect more homes soon. " let's conserve the land, then Kill thousands of animals , thousands of plants and piss off people that have been using this for many many years." Yeah this is how you make friends.

@BonsaiNut that map pretty well is what is blocked off now.

When I move here that was labeled "permanent open space" on the map which is now mostly homes. So a moving target and not permanent by any stretch of the imagination. :facepalm:
Danimal, are you able to send me PM? Curious to see what others are saying. I really hope they don't build more homes. This place is getting out of control. So many new homes, and so much more traffic. What are they thinking????
Sent! and apparently it is now a DM, not a PM.....hehehe...:cool:
And as we ride the same area, pretty sure we've crossed paths. If you don't mind, can you send me a DM with Stava name. Maybe we can hit a ride together.
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Southwest Resource Management is a 501(c)(3) environmental organization based out of Riverside, CA. From their filing documents:

The Southwest Resource Management Association, a dedicated organization, is committed to promoting, managing, and preserving natural resources through collaborative partnerships for the economic and ecological benefit of the communities they work in. Their mission encompasses monitoring and managing open space conservation easements and fee title lands across various counties in California, including Imperial, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange, Kern, and Ventura.

In addition to this, the Association focuses on conserving and managing native birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and mammals within Southern California. To further their efforts, they carry out the Santa Ana River Watershed in Lieu Fee Program, a native restoration program that contributes significantly to the preservation of California's diverse wildlife.

The Southwest Resource Management Association secures grants to support their various activities, highlighting their dedication to the conservation and preservation of California's natural resources. Through their tireless efforts, they strive to create a balanced environment that benefits both the community and the ecosystem.

The operative phrase here is "in lieu fee" mitigation - which is a legal term that describes programs where a property owner, in lieu of carrying out required environmental programs themselves, can pay a qualified third party to do the work for them. It sounds like Edison may be paying this organization a fee to environmentally manage the space. Perhaps they are the ones stringing the barbed wire without signs?

We may get further by contacting Southwest Resource Management directly. Their principal officer is Paul Rodriguez. His contact phone is 951-300-2844. Interestingly, the mailing address they list for the charitable organization is the address of the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (which is a government agency).
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Update - Just got a call back from the Southwest Resource Management and here is what they said: "We own the Portola South Property in Lake Forest. We got that donated to us several years ago. It is under the purview of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. It is a conservation property, and that's why we had to close the trails, to keep the mountainbikers out because they are destroying the habitat, and we have had some problems with them vandalizing and cutting our signs and generally being kind of a problem. Unfortunately, that's changed. It's not public property, it's a piece of private property. I think when under Edison, it was also private property, but the let things go on. But that has changed now. We are a non profit organization and own and manage 1000s of acres. We are under Federal and State regulations we have to follow." He left an e-mail, so I sent him a long message, explaining that the mountainbikers are obviously not the ones destroying Nature Habitat and that it is the greedy developers who have no concern for nature or the animals.
Interesting, short sighted and inconsiderate. I've been using it for over a decade and the only real issue I've seen is developers killing animals, plants, habitat and building houses. Not to mention most of the people I see there are walkers and hikers. So you have someone that Doesn't give a F@ck about the community and doesn't live anywhere near it deciding that it's OK to put up barbed wire and keep people out that just want to go for a walk and ride as he wire injures the few animals that are left. And how do they know who damaged the wire that was put up? I don't.

But of course riding and walking on a dirt road that they DRIVE on regularly causes more damage than the truck I see there. Short sighted, build walls not bridges must be the motto at the company. In my experience in this area, no trespassing signs means they are about to build houses. Prove I'm wrong....

I would absolutely love them to allow people that walk and ride on the property to continue to do so. The history of the area has been to allow people get outside and enjoy nature, that should be a big consideration in this and the reason I moved here. The fact that there are a lot more people in the area requires more access, not less. The fact that it was DONATED says in itself that the idea was to allow continued care and love for the community.
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That is exactly what I mentioned in my e-mail. I said that the mountainbikers are not the culprits here but the developers who bulldoze all that nature habitat to build "luxury homes", not giving a sh&t about any of the animals or plants. Also, when they built up all that land with homes, they put-up that nice wooden fence, but they left an opening that clearly indicated it was meant for walking or biking.
Exactly @mtbfan
I have a feeling the authorities have better things to do than chase/ticket someone walking their dog on a road that they've been walking on for 20 years.
Exactly @mtbfan
I have a feeling the authorities have better things to do than chase/ticket someone walking their dog on a road that they've been walking on for 20 years.
Also, if you take the dirt trail that parallels the church and goes up that quick steep hill and under the tollroad, you will see signs that say "Aliso Creek Trail". Those signs even point up the next rocky section that gets you to the top. Nowhere does it say that the "Aliso Creek Trail" ends. So, you are allowed to enter from that side, but not from the other?