Hello There?!

Hi! My name is Chris. I’m new here. I hope you are all a bunch of stoked riders and wonderful people.

Also, I came here to meet chicks. Is this the right place?

(JK of course - happily married for 35 years)
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Hi I am Redman and I like mountain bikes. This is now what I see when I open this site. Is this how it's supposed to look? If not, how do I change it. The way it looks to me now is very cornfusing for my little bwain and I is not sure I's even knows how to post corretly.
Screenshot 2024-07-30 105604.png
Hi I am Redman and I like mountain bikes. This is now what I see when I open this site. Is this how it's supposed to look? If not, how do I change it. The way it looks to me now is very cornfusing for my little bwain and I is not sure I's even knows how to post corretly. View attachment 94353

Scroll to very bottom of your screen and select Default style.
Dark mode does not work.
Thanks @Obsidian ,
Working on returning Dark Mode back to the Site. I prefer it as well.
Now when you pick a pawpaw
Or a prickly pear
And you prick a raw paw
Well, next time beware
Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw
When you pick a pear
Try to use the claw
But you don't need to use the claw
When you pick a pair of the big pawpaw