

Admin/iMTB Hooligan
Spellbound is a Black/Double Black Diamond trail at the Mt. Kessler Bike Park. I rode this today with Fadi.
The vid is long as it is the trail from beginning to end. A plan I have had for a while to document trails in a way that can help viewers decide what to ride or if they can ride them.
Mikie the stuff you've shared here reminds me of what Northern Alabama looks and rides like. A friend who lives there shares videos.
It’s give and take. I gave up the big climbs and descents (and that was hard), to get a huge network of million dollar trails engineered and maintained by funding within each cities budget, and an environment of mtb stoke that pegs the stoke meter. Windy, twisty trails is such a different environment for me! I remember the first time I ever rode on wet roots and rocks is when I met @mike for the first time and he showcased Holy Jim! Man! That was a long time ago and a good time!
It’s give and take. I gave up the big climbs and descents (and that was hard), to get a huge network of million dollar trails engineered and maintained by funding within each cities budget, and an environment of mtb stoke that pegs the stoke meter. Windy, twisty trails is such a different environment for me! I remember the first time I ever rode on wet roots and rocks is when I met @mike for the first time and he showcased Holy Jim! Man! That was a long time ago and a good time!
I dig what you've got going on there. I like the idea of having some trails that are incased in foliage, such as this one. It gives the rider the sense of being in his/her own little world. So much to see in every direction you look. Of course, I'd be stopping at rock piles and logs to check for sssnakes. :)
That is my kind of trail. It will sharpen your low speed skills for sure and keep you on focus.

What bar is Fadi running ?
I like the rise on them.
Yep! I love these kinds of trails. I remember the first time I went to Sedona. What an eye opener and I was certainly out of my element. By the end of the weekend I was bombing and climbing like a boss! My MTB horizon was forever exploded into other than typical Big Bear trails.

Fadi is my parts guy. I’ll ask…