The truck is in the shop, so anywhere I wanted to ride today, meant I had to roll from home. I also knew it was supposed to be toasty. Normally this wouldn't be a problem as I'd just roll out in the dark and head to the mountain. But these trying times meant I had to make other arrangements.
A crappy night's sleep forced me to leave later than I planned. I still got out just before sunrise. Rolled at 6:15 and headed towards the Oaks.
It was still quiet and early. Made my way up Oak to the top. Ended up chasing and catching another rider. Made my way out to Weir Cyn. My legs were dead early on. It actually had me pondering my route. Hit Cliffhanger. Out the back of Weir Cyn and down through the bridal trails. Roadie time up Santa Ana Cyn Rd. and onto SART. Temps were still comfortable. Through Green River Golf course and back into the dirt.
Up Lower Aliso.....the temps started to climb, but it was still quiet out there. Made it to Bane Cyn and a quick stop for water at one of the shelters. Continued up and rolled onto Bane Ridge. Passed a few hikers. The trail is quite tight in some spots were the dead mustard hasn't been cut back. Stopped again for water at the bottom of Bane Ridge. Now it was just plain hot. Soaked myself with the water.
Started the climb up breeze down low. Just cooked. Finally at the split for the Telegraph Spur the breeze kinda started to blow....but it really wasn't helping. Dropped down to 4 Corners.....there was a horde of hikers there....I didn't stop, just rolled into Bovinian. It was a slow climb. However I still caught another rider towards the top.
The run down/up/down Southridge was quick....and hot. Suz hit me up on when i'd be heading home so she could meet me somewhere. I gave her a window....but wasn't sure if I'd make it within it.
Good news is CHSP finally upped the ante with legit "No Ebike" more laminated computer produced signs. Saw them at each entrance as well as around the Bane Canyon area:
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I popped out at Rim Crest and roadied it back down to SART again.
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This left me at Imperial Hwy and the 91 fwy. Meant I was gonna have to climb Cannon(Imp. Hwy) back over to Orange. It is exposed. It goes up 500' in 1 mile. I just melted in the heat. There is no way to make it better. It was 10 minutes of hell. Fortunately at the top, it's all downhill back home.
44 / 4800'