Not Your Typical SoCal Trail - Idlehour

Rode Idlehour today with our former co-pilot. He being fresh off of True Grit and the requisite training. Me being fresh off an 8 mile ride last week that was, to this point, my only ride this month. The grind up to Inspiration Point was just that, but I've arrived at Inspiration Point feeling worse than I did today.

Then came the descent into Idlehour. This is really a magical place, and this ride is something that should be experienced. It was kind of a different mindset and experience overall. Though there was some really fun riding, there was also a decent amount of walking. The mindset was more of using mountain bikes as a tool to cover enough ground to experience this trail. Spectacular scenery and solitude.

The climb/HAB out of Idlehour is pretty terrible, but I knew that going in. Still worth the price of admission. It's not a ride I'd do every week, or even every month, but it's one I'm grateful to have done and experience, and one I'll certainly do again. Also, I've often wondered what it would be like to have a hard crash on a highspeed fire road descent. I don't wonder any more. 19.5/4274






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Rode Idlehour today with our former co-pilot. He being fresh off of True Grit and the requisite training. Me being fresh off an 8 mile ride last week that was, to this point, my only ride this month. The grind up to Inspiration Point was just that, but I've arrived at Inspiration Point feeling worse that I did today.

Then came the descent into Idlehour. This is really a magical place, and this ride is something that should be experienced. It was kind of a different mindset and experience overall. Though there was some really fun riding, there was also a decent amount of walking. The mindset was more of using mountain bikes as a tool to cover enough ground to experience this trail. Spectacular scenery and solitude.

The climb/HAB out of Idlehour is pretty terrible, but I knew that going in. Still worth the price of admission. It's not a ride I'd do every week, or even every month, but it's one I'm grateful to have done and experience, and one I'll certainly do again. Also,
I've often wondered what it would be like to have a hard crash on a highspeed fire road descent. I don't wonder any more

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I guess it could have been a whole lot worse!
Oh, there's worse. Some deeper rash and cuts, but the thing that has me slightly worried is my left hand. It's not being too cooperative with hand stuff, like gripping, though it feels slightly better this morning.
Sorry to hear about (and see evidence of) your unplanned dismount. I hope your hand isn't truly injured. Heal up fast and get back out there when the weather allows!
Sorry to hear about (and see evidence of) your unplanned dismount. I hope your hand isn't truly injured. Heal up fast and get back out there when the weather allows!
Thanks! Hand seems to be okay. Still bruised and sore, but improving rapidly enough that I don't suspect true injury. Now I'm just in the stage of perpetual discomfort as clothes rub on un-bandageable wounds in various stages of the ooze/scab cycle.
Wow Matt you are lucky! Glad you are gonna survive.

Rode Idlehour today with our former co-pilot. He being fresh off of True Grit and the requisite training. Me being fresh off an 8 mile ride last week that was, to this point, my only ride this month. The grind up to Inspiration Point was just that, but I've arrived at Inspiration Point feeling worse than I did today.

Then came the descent into Idlehour. This is really a magical place, and this ride is something that should be experienced. It was kind of a different mindset and experience overall. Though there was some really fun riding, there was also a decent amount of walking. The mindset was more of using mountain bikes as a tool to cover enough ground to experience this trail. Spectacular scenery and solitude.

The climb/HAB out of Idlehour is pretty terrible, but I knew that going in. Still worth the price of admission. It's not a ride I'd do every week, or even every month, but it's one I'm grateful to have done and experience, and one I'll certainly do again. Also, I've often wondered what it would be like to have a hard crash on a highspeed fire road descent. I don't wonder any more. 19.5/4274

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