Koobi Au Enduro 2.0


Well-Known Member
For reference, this link will take you to the website: https://www.koobi.com/road-mountain-saddles/au-enduro


Searching for that saddle that is the nexus of comfort, support and pressure relief led me to try out this saddle thanks to Mssr. Gary, @sir crashalot. Mounted it on the Timberjack hardtail figuring that's where it would do the most good and headed off to the rough parts of the hills that I usually ride on full suspension for a solid test run. Also rode it this morning on mellower stuff that I usually take the hardtail out onto.

Immediately out of the driveway, I was struck by how comfortable the fit was. The shape is perfect for my butt and the cushioning is just right. The website calls it medium and I think that is a good description - not too firm, not too soft. The shorter front end works well for me. As I move forward to get over the front wheel for climbing, there isn't that uncomfortable feeling of a giant dildo probing my soft underparts.


Seated pedaling, the channel cut-out relieves all the pressure on the perineum. As I slide forward, the channel does its job even closer to the nose. Also, the slight downward turn of the outer, rear left and right portions of the saddle makes for less rubbing along the inside of the thighs vs a more squared off saddle (like the WTB Koda, which is like sitting on a ping pong paddle).


The important thing for me right now is how do the parts that concern me (prostate/bladder/pudendal nerve) feel after a couple of hours of riding across roots, ruts, rocks and trail chatter? Have to say as irritated as my innards are, I feel fine down in the nether regions. No added aggravation that I can sense. This gives me confidence that I can still ride a mountain bike with my condition which is a big relief.

I don't know if there are better saddles for me as I haven't tried that many others. I'd like to have a little go at the saddle that Steve, @Faust29 uses sometime for comparison. But for now, I will say this Koobi is a winner.

The Koobi, being handmade in Italy, needed to have its picture taken with the basil plants that go in my pasta sauce!

I'm glad you found something that should work for you! So many more choices nowadays than even 10 years ago... :thumbsup: If ISM keeps raising their prices past boutique level, I may give one of these options a try next time...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who's still getting peppers... :thumbsup:
Thanks for the review and the link. I think I may try one of these as it's not the price of a moon rock. Just can't figure out which width to get and website ain't much help.
@blixet did you get the 145 mm width or 155? The old model was 150 so i dunno which way to go, ive used that model for like 10 years

I have the 155mm version. I have always used the wide sized WTB saddles in the past. I have a wide pelvis all the better for childbirth now that I am on anti-testosterone medication (finasteride) to shrink the beotch. :confused: I ordered another one of these saddles today for the Scout.
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how to put this-measuring sit bones is a literal pain in the ass if your glutes are swole (That ones for you Herzy ). Or maybe theyre just not pointy enough. I think theyre 130 mm, hard to tell for sure. which puts me smack in the midde between 145mm and 155mm wide saddles (Im in between sizes with everything it seems) Think im gonna go with the 155, better too wide than too narrow I guess. only 2 mm wider on each side than old model, and looks like the sides slope down more. @blixet, can you measure the exact width of yours for me? wondering if 155 mm is the entire width, or just the top "flatter"part
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I measured it to be 155mm at the widest point from edge to edge on the bottom of the taper. The part that I think we'd mostly sit on, using the outermost of the 3 white outlines on the top/flatter part, measures about 130mm. So I'd think 155mm should be perfect. Also, given the difference of 10mm in the two sizes is only around 0.4", that's less that a quarter of an inch difference on each side. Probably close to not that significant.
Thanks blixet! Old model actually measuring 152 mm at widest point . Waiting for advice from Phil at Koobi but I think you’re right
Nice! Maybe after the holiday madness I could drive out your way and we could do a ride. Never ridden Laguna area although I used to hang out there in the summers during college in the '70s a lot. Only for surfing and diving, though. We could sway stories. Kind of feeling the carpe diem thing lately with regard to riding new dirt.
Nice! Maybe after the holiday madness I could drive out your way and we could do a ride. Never ridden Laguna area although I used to hang out there in the summers during college in the '70s a lot. Only for surfing and diving, though. We could sway stories. Kind of feeling the carpe diem thing lately with regard to riding new dirt.
Sounds great, id love to show you around Laguna! im also itching for new dirt. Never ridden the San Gabes. But Im probably still keeping to myself until the omicron surge dies down. Hopefully not too long! Im kinda antisocial but I am starting to miss riding with others.
Received my second saddle for the Scout today. Ordered it Friday so that was pretty fast service. Also included in the package was some electrolyte mix and some energy gel, but this time I also got a pair of Marino wool Koobi socks. And he knocked 10% off this order for having multiple saddles. Pretty cool!
So the great saddles failed miserably. Both started separating at the left side nose. One was catastrophic with the bridge coming away from the left side and the other just the covering coming loose at this point. Great saddle until it blows up. Replaced the crap one with a Specialized Power Arc Expert. Similar shape, not as padded, 25mm shorter at 240mm, need to get used to that. Ordered a Phenom Expert to replace the other when it blows up. Phenom is 270mm long.
So the great saddles failed miserably. Both started separating at the left side nose. One was catastrophic with the bridge coming away from the left side and the other just the covering coming loose at this point. Great saddle until it blows up. Replaced the crap one with a Specialized Power Arc Expert. Similar shape, not as padded, 25mm shorter at 240mm, need to get used to that. Ordered a Phenom Expert to replace the other when it blows up. Phenom is 270mm long.
Yup, just noticed mine doing that, padding completely peeled off left side of the nose. gonna try to glue it back on
I found that the thin plastic shell cracked at that spot on the nose on both of them as well. I tried epoxy patching it but it didn't work. Tried emailing the company and got crickets.
They are appallingly expensive but have you tried SQLabs? I have the 610 Infinergy Active MD and it is the most comfortable saddle I have ever had. The Infinergy feels like it has more rebound than the standard foam, not sure I like that but as far as feeling soft and gentle on your sit bones while still keeping soft things off the saddle it is superb and if you take hits while in the saddle you basically don't feel it, almost like you have suspension in the seat post.

The standard SQLabs saddles with non-Infinergy foam are good, even great, reasonably comfortable and I don't have any complaints but the Infinergy just disappears beneath you.
They are appallingly expensive but have you tried SQLabs? I have the 610 Infinergy Active MD and it is the most comfortable saddle I have ever had. The Infinergy feels like it has more rebound than the standard foam, not sure I like that but as far as feeling soft and gentle on your sit bones while still keeping soft things off the saddle it is superb and if you take hits while in the saddle you basically don't feel it, almost like you have suspension in the seat post.

The standard SQLabs saddles with non-Infinergy foam are good, even great, reasonably comfortable and I don't have any complaints but the Infinergy just disappears beneath you.
Thanks, but the koobi has always been very comfortable for me, the short split-nose design really keeps the pressure off. Last one lasted almost 2,5 years (with a little help from epoxy), good enough. its still comfy enough to reglue and put on my beater bike
They are appallingly expensive but have you tried SQLabs? I have the 610 Infinergy Active MD and it is the most comfortable saddle I have ever had. The Infinergy feels like it has more rebound than the standard foam, not sure I like that but as far as feeling soft and gentle on your sit bones while still keeping soft things off the saddle it is superb and if you take hits while in the saddle you basically don't feel it, almost like you have suspension in the seat post.

The standard SQLabs saddles with non-Infinergy foam are good, even great, reasonably comfortable and I don't have any complaints but the Infinergy just disappears beneath you.
Hey - It's BILL!!!!!! Howdy, former frequent riding buddy!